cotton patch geese

Your geese are beautiful. Thanks for that, though your geeses´ beaks look orange on the pic, too. So, cotton patches should have a really pink beak and legs. I thought that refered to the pink-tinged beak and pink-tinged legs that mine have. I´ve never seen a goose with really pink beak and legs! Well, I know they´re not pilgrims. So they must just be another sex-linked goose that ended up herein Brazil......In a way, it´s nice to know they´re nothing special and that I don´t hav e to worry about keeping them pure. I´ll let them get on with things goose-fashion with the other geese I have here. Thanks for your interest everyone
Well we hope you'll stick around and send pics especially when you get goslings, I enjoyed talking to you.
Well, I´ll certainly be reading the posts, they´re very interesting. Just that as I was reading more, I realised that my geese here were very similar to the cotton patches I was reading about, and didn´t want to be sitting on something if it was important. I came across a number of articles about CPG on the internet and they looked much the same, same colour beak and feet, (tinge of pink) so I decided to make the post. I did research about the various landrace breeds, and learned about the european birds having the sex-linked gene. I´m convinced that they are a strain of CPG, as it makes sense that they would have arrived here due to the amount of cotton that was grown, and probably were left to develop their own local characteristics, Maybe next time they breed I´ll have some grey-billed female goslings, and if they all turn out to be white males, grey females, at least I ´ll know they´re true sex-linked breed of some sort. I´ll have to give them a name of their own! The locals call them Common, but actually they were quite difficult to find! The true common geese here are all grey, male and female, and tend to be unfriendly. There is also a mix, they look very much like landrace, but males and females come in both white and pied, mainly pied, however they all have the blue eyes. I have 3 of these. Very pretty, also not aggressive. The poss sex-links I have are the same, they´re great. And they´re so sweet towards the muscovy ducklings. They let the ducklings share the corn, no probs, but the parent birds are chased away. Don´t geese love baby things!! So family oriented. I´m also enjoying reading the posts about two chicken breeds that I have here, Brahmas and Delawares, they´re also delightful. Talk to you again,....bye
Well, I´ll certainly be reading the posts, they´re very interesting. Just that as I was reading more, I realised that my geese here were very similar to the cotton patches I was reading about, and didn´t want to be sitting on something if it was important. I came across a number of articles about CPG on the internet and they looked much the same, same colour beak and feet, (tinge of pink) so I decided to make the post. I did research about the various landrace breeds, and learned about the european birds having the sex-linked gene. I´m convinced that they are a strain of CPG, as it makes sense that they would have arrived here due to the amount of cotton that was grown, and probably were left to develop their own local characteristics, Maybe next time they breed I´ll have some grey-billed female goslings, and if they all turn out to be white males, grey females, at least I ´ll know they´re true sex-linked breed of some sort. I´ll have to give them a name of their own! The locals call them Common, but actually they were quite difficult to find! The true common geese here are all grey, male and female, and tend to be unfriendly. There is also a mix, they look very much like landrace, but males and females come in both white and pied, mainly pied, however they all have the blue eyes. I have 3 of these. Very pretty, also not aggressive. The poss sex-links I have are the same, they´re great. And they´re so sweet towards the muscovy ducklings. They let the ducklings share the corn, no probs, but the parent birds are chased away. Don´t geese love baby things!! So family oriented. I´m also enjoying reading the posts about two chicken breeds that I have here, Brahmas and Delawares, they´re also delightful. Talk to you again,....bye
You know more about what you have than anyone on here, you live with them. And I think it's so precious how the geese love all things babies, my gander who is 5yrs old last may took it upon himself to be Papa goose to all Muscovy ducklings hatched here this past summer. Now that i have a goose to go with him I am looking forward to seeing how she reacts towards babies, Brahmas are great chickens I only have one but I love that bird so easy going, I've never had Delaware will have to read up on them.
When they say the beak and feet should be pink they mean PINK. They will obviously fade and change a bit as the season wanes on, like a chicken's beak/feet will fade with laying, but then comes Spring and they are bright pink again.

Thanks for showing the photo of your geese, they´re beautiful. They certainly have pinker bills than the other photos of CPG that I´ve seen. Others are obviously a different strain, which, as Selina stated earlier, will tend to happen when you have isolated flocks. The pink bills are very pretty. Mine definitely have more orange in them than yours. Maybe I´ll have to call mine orange-patch !!!
Or maybe corn-patch, as that´s what´s mostly cultivated around here. Now I´m off to play with my 9 new baby brahmas. Bye
Your geese are beautiful. Thanks for that, though your geeses´ beaks look orange on the pic, too. So, cotton patches should have a really pink beak and legs. I thought that refered to the pink-tinged beak and pink-tinged legs that mine have. I´ve never seen a goose with really pink beak and legs! Well, I know they´re not pilgrims. So they must just be another sex-linked goose that ended up herein Brazil......In a way, it´s nice to know they´re nothing special and that I don´t hav e to worry about keeping them pure. I´ll let them get on with things goose-fashion with the other geese I have here. Thanks for your interest everyone

Yes not the greatest picture the sunlight is causing the females to look pink but if you click on the picture the male has pink. They both are pink no orange at all... But I have seen some CPG with a tinge of orange!
If you have CPGs with orange bills or feet, they should be culled (if you're breeding them). It is one of the defining characteristics of the breed and it is very important to not lose this. Occasionally there are oranges that crop up, it doesn't mean they aren't CPG or aren't pure bred, it is just genetics that we don't want.
Hello Selina, thank you for your reply. The three youngsters have turned out to be males, mainly white feathers, beautiful dove-grey flights and colouring on their backs, quite stunning when they stretch their wings, so I obviously do have a land-race weeder goose type here. They´re very dedicated grazers. I´d love to know how they arrived here, and I certainly wouldn´t cull them, it´s not a problem to me if they´re not the type you´re looking for. I just didn´t want to be quietly enjoying something that could be useful, especially as the gene pool is probably rather small. So, I´ll let them get on and make more little land-race types.....they´re a delight to have. I hope all goes well for you with your project.

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