Cotton patch goslings! Pictures! :)

Hey there-
Yes, I did get mine from Tom, he was wonderful! I love my geese. He didnt have any saddlebacks available when I orered, but 2 days later 2 saddlebacks hatched out... So if he dont want to sell a saddleback pair later this year when they are a little bit bigger, Im going to get 10 saddleback goslings next year!

Im really excited about them, some of mine have toe punches, so tom does know which pairs they are from, I cant wait until they are bigger... Even tho they growing like WEEDS(which they also love to eat!)

I maintain lots of poultry and rabbits. Everything Rare and Heritage breeds. And now i added the Cotton Patch, witch to me is VERY exciting!!!

I'm getting 10 saddlebacks next year too.
I was supposed to get them all this year, but timing was off.. Luckily he made my pair. I saw the toe punches on mine too, and almost freaked out for a second until I realized it was on purpose. My saddlebacks have a punch on each foot, and I think all my solids have one.

We're trying to get more heritage poultry, but we need to upgrade our farm first. Currently we're all organic, though, and we are the only providers of goose eggs in my county. They go ridiculously fast at farmers markets, and now all the farmers are having me hatch them goslings.. It's a new craze that I seem to have started. I'm so excited to be able to hatch out more of these darlings next year!

fancbrd, yours are so cute with "their" little goslings! Did the integration of the two ages go well? I am deciding whether or not to put my new goslings and ducklings in with my cotton patch even though I will separate them later, simply so that I don't have to worry about two heat lamps.

The goslings are doing fantastic! They know my voice now and when they hear me walking up the stairs, they start peeping!
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of a pair of pomeranians and 5 ducklings to add to my crazy waterflock. Also, I may be picking up a mixed American Blue/Buff gosling from someone on BYC. I love geese SO MUCH.

Pics soonish. They're growing like crazy!

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