Cotton patch goslings! Pictures! :)

We are raising the geese to train them to be organic weed control for farmers. They were bred to weed cotton patches in the deep south, and became extremely rare in the 50's, when machines replaced them. Tom Walker took them back from near extinction, and now we'd like to do our part.
They are sexually dimorphic geese (sex-linked colors), and they come in saddleback and solid variety.

Anyways, I am finally home and my goslings are just precious! They're much smaller than the other goslings I've had. Will post pics later/tomorrow!
I just got my 10 cotton patch goslings! Love them already, They are so frienly and curious. And they really do love grass/weeds/lettuce! Even at a week old they are muching on the greens non-stop.
SFIcelandics, did you get them from Tom Walker?

Angelique, I believe you mean, "Must buy geese.. Must buy geese.. Of course hubby won't throw a fit.."

The goslings are doing great! I fashioned them a super-condo out of 2 boxes.. adding more later. I want to make sure they're all a week old before I put them into the kiddie pool, which could have minor drafts (even though it's inside). They had fun eating duct tape/being general brats today. I now have a supply of grass for them to eat at all times so they don't get bored.

In less than one week, I will be adding 2 pomeranian goslings and 5 ducklings (first ducks ever!) to my flock. Also, I'm starting a hatch of geese next week.. And I'm thinking of adding call ducklings.. Er, do I have a disease?

Pics later! I need to find my mom's camera.
I'm glad your goslings made it. I have a pair of Cotton Patch goslings, and I love them. They are the friendliest geese I have had so far. One thing I have been told (and seen for myself) about them that makes them appealing is that they are not very agressive. It's true that they are a "plainer" goose, but I like to think of it as simplicity, rather than utility. And temperment counts for a heck of a lot more than looks, although I think my cotton patches are beautiful. I think it may be yiou have to see them in person to appreciate them. Here is a picture of my babies:
They are beautiful geese I had seen one bad pic on wikipedia of a greylag and it was a still pic so I am glad to see that they are pleasing to the eyes . I do hope you the best of luck with them . Are you gonna seperate them so they don't interbreed with your other geese?
Yes, I got them from Tom Walker, he has been very helpful along the way. Ive had LOTS of geese before, but nothing like these cotton patch!

I love them!

Pics soon!

Angelique, I know what you mean.. My mom is throwing a fit about the 5 cayuga and blue swedish coming next week with my pair of saddleback poms.. I have very selective hearing at this point.

fancbrd - SO CUTE! My goslings have been very friendly, especially the oldest ones. I think the babies see the bigger ones as their parents, so they're a bit scared of me, haha! I can't wait to have nice geese, though.. my current gander is super mean and won't let me get anywhere near "his" geese.

spamee - Aren't they just beauties? Almost as cute grown up as they are goslings! Yes, I will have 3 pens of geese. I will have my cotton patch pen (10 geese), my egglayers (chinese geese with a toulouse gander), and my pomeranian pair (with ducks). So many pens, so little time!

SFIcelandics - Tom was very nice to my mom, and even shoved an extra, older saddleback in there so I could have a full pair. Did you get all solids? I'm so in love with them!

Sooo.. Pictures! The goslings are doing wonderful.. Growing like CRAZY! I'm about to add another box to their condo, but they're going to get moved to a baby pool once the babies get big enough. I have named 3 of them. The biggest one, a saddleback boy, is Jack. The smallest one, a saddleback girl, is Kate (Wooo Jack and Kate!!). The second biggest boy is Sawyer. I'm going to get some leg bands to tell the boys and the solid girls apart, and then I'll have definite names.






PS, please excuse the newspaper! I'm all out of hay to put them on.. It's coming tonight.

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