Coturnix Loves em some sand lol


8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
NW Missouri
I had small tupperware type bowls that I put sand in for my Coturnix to bathe in and I decided to upgrade to the shoebox sized totes for a couple reasons, I wanted them to have more sand and I wanted to keep the dang sand in there lol. I figured the higher sides would help keep the sand in, the new boxes were in there for about 30 seconds before they all decided to try them out lol, within 5 minutes I had several dirty birds and a couple eggs lol. I am loving these Coturnix more every day.

I have an unlimited supply of river sand as it flooded here this year and the government brought in tons and tons of the stuff and has just abandoned it so my quail will always have sand baths and my chickens have nice dry runs lol


may want to think about worming them every now and then. With river sand you never know what is in it.

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