Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

it turns out i dont need a permit to raise coturnix quail only on like bobwhites etc ...
here where I live, at least so says the man I talked to from fish and game , I can have cortunix without a permit but I can not release them sale them sale there eggs or meat ect withought a permit , I think every state and mabye every county has diffrent views on it.
i do for my chickens they arnt legal at all .. i just found this out .. and i have 12 !!!!
hahaha neighbors dont care though so aslong as we dont have some new neighbors i should be ok
wait wait wait! Let me get this straight! Your quails are legal but your chickens arent? Did they say why? that's so silly! I'm glad you got decient neighbors though!
im planning on challenging the city soon on that law .. ive been gathering lots of info and i think if i can use the recession against them then ill be able to win !!! like saying now that we could be approaching a depression people need to be able to have a source of food .. to cut back on as many costs as possible

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