Couch to 5k - training for people new to running

Jennspeeps, I just came across this post, wish I could have started with you all, but I need to get into shape and a 5k was acually something I considered doing for the motivation part of it so I think I'm going to try this program! I dont have anywhere to go really, but I have a treadmill and a stepper so I'll give that a try and try to do the VERY hilly terrain around here once I'm more up to speed.
Have you girls found any solutions to shin splints? Thats something Ive ALWAYS had problems with and I'm sure this time will be no different. Other than that, I'm already sore from playing four softball games on Monday (havent done that in about 8 years so that in itself was a task!) so maybe starting tommorrow will help lossen me up!
Thanks for the info!
OK, confession time: I haven't run in a week. I'm going to go run right now.

So sangel4you, join me! I'm only on the last day of week 2. It's OK.
LMAO I am ok with double encouragement posts!!!! Well I'm back and all showered and NOW I feel not to say I will tommorrow or I did when I was gone but I feel good NOW! lol I had trouble even getting to the end of the minute sometimes, but I made it...hey on to the next day!!! :-D
FrenchHen, we'd love to have you "join" us.

One thing I've been wondering since starting to jog/run is how to find my "stride". Am I running fast enough? Too fast? Is my stride long or short enough? I found a good/comfortable stride today and was surprised how fast it was. I'm tall - 5'8" - so truly stretching out my legs and having an erect posture means that I start to go pretty quickly. I was pleasantly surprised with myself.

I noticed tonight that I've got little teensy pin-prick-sized bruises (burst capillaries? rub spots from my sports bar?) on my chest. This is the first time. They don't hurt and I bet they'll be gone by tomorrow. I am just curious what they're from.

I'm not sore from running anymore. I do have to say that I'm not officially following the C25K training verbatim. I'm running 1 block & then walking 1 block for 2 miles. It's getting easier. When I can comfortably & reliably do it a few more times I'll start running 1.5 blocks then walk 1 (repeat) for the 2 miles.
now I have a question for all you running pros. IT has just come to my attention that I hold my breath when running... I know that is a common problem, can anyone tell me how to oversome it?
Hi guys I did the couch to 5k program last year to run my first (but not last) 5k.It is A GREAT program.

Regarding the shin splints that probably means you don't have enough coushin in your sneaks.If you run and start to get pain in your lower legs in probably mans you either a) did not stretch well or b) your shoes need more padding

I can always tell when I need new shoes as my calfs start to hurt.

Regarding holding your breath I concentrate on counting either backwards or forwards with each breath.This makes it easier for me to breathe AND I play games with myself I am going to run till I get to 100. SO by counting each MEASURED breath, it is a decent length of time.

I also play an abc I am running I have to name one thing that starts with each letter.This gets my mind of cramps or whatever.
Then I also start chewing on a tough issue.It is very helpful.

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