Could my Girl be a... Guy??

kaylee gee

9 Years
Jul 5, 2012
I hatched out an Ameraucana chick on July 5th, and I *thought* I was positive that she is a pullet! But this morning she got rather buck with me because I would not let her peck my ring (i gently pushed her back on her chest, which maybe she could have taken for a "chest bump"?) She then proceeded to jump up and kick and peck at my hand, so I batted her across the run. She left me alone after that, but it got me wondering. Here is a photo, tell me what you think!

That's a pullet, small comb and primarily the coloration/feather type gives it away. Some pullets will attack people, but certainly isn't a trait I intend to tolerate be it hen or cock. Some hens will gentle down with handling, others won't.

God bless,
I would say pullet as I do not see any saddle feathers, but she is rather pink faced. Is that the same chick in your avatar?
Yes it's the same chick :)

That's a pullet, small comb and primarily the coloration/feather type gives it away. Some pullets will attack people, but certainly isn't a trait I intend to tolerate be it hen or cock. Some hens will gentle down with handling, others won't.

God bless,
She is not aggressive. I am assuming she thought I was challenging her, so I continued to do so and she backed down. She is at the age of setting her place in the pecking order. She is also the sweetest chicken we have, as even my 3 year old can handle her.
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Pullet. Don't wear the ring, hand feed lots of treats, move slowly around her, talk to her
The usual things you do to tame chickens. Sometimes it works, other times mean personalities win out, so you'll have to wait and see.
Pullet. Don't wear the ring, hand feed lots of treats, move slowly around her, talk to her
The usual things you do to tame chickens. Sometimes it works, other times mean personalities win out, so you'll have to wait and see.
she is tame already, she was hand-raised. but thanks for the tips.
I agree, easter egger pullet. I'll bet her parents were hatchey stock, which are not true bred but are sold as such.

Funny, I have a mixed pullet that looks quite like her, but my bird is the product of a mixed/barred rock roo over an ee/leghorn hen. Doesn't get more mixed than that! I thought my bird was a roo at first, also, mainly due to that red coming in. But mine patterned over the entire body, like your pretty girl, so lucky me I got all pullets that hatch!

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