Could she be a Roo?

Beautiful girl! Many hens will develop spur bumps or even actual spurs - and many roosters will go their entire life without ever developing spurs - which makes their presence/absence an unreliable gender indicator to use.
When I get home I'll have to get a picture of they spur my sweet Fat Amy (100% hen - actively laying) has decided to spring on us.
Did u get that name off Pitch Perfect?? And yes I agree its a hen. My Australorp looks identical to that. And how do you know your eggs r fertile?
Did u get that name off Pitch Perfect?? And yes I agree its a hen. My Australorp looks identical to that. And how do you know your eggs r fertile?

Yes, we did

For the issue of fertile/infertile - if you crack it open you can examine the germinal disc (white spot on yolk) - of course this makes it useless for incubation, but will tell you if the rest of the eggs you are getting *should* be fertile as well (those you could set). Alternatively, you can set (start incubation) of eggs and candle to see if they are developing, incidating they were fertile.
If you just recently got these hens, and if a rooster had access to them before you got them, and they took a break from laying while adjusting to their new home, it's possible for them to lay fertilized eggs.
If you just recently got these hens, and if a rooster had access to them before you got them, and they took a break from laying while adjusting to their new home, it's possible for them to lay fertilized eggs.

We have had them for months and they have been laying for quite a while :-/

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