Could someone help me figure out the breeds of my hens?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 12, 2013
Brookhaven, New York
The first two, Curly Sue and Henrietta, I know to be Rhode Island Reds because they were among a batch of RIR that a friend and I purchased last spring.

This one is Lily White.

This one is Ebony. In the sunlight, her feathers have highlights of green, blue, and even some violet.

This one is Silvie.

This one is Goldie. She has no feathers around her comb.

This one is Josephina. She has golden feathers, some black in her tail, and a pink face.

These two are Marilyn and Hillary. They are the same, although Hillary looks more white. She was moulting.

This one is Georgia Peach. She looks similar to Josephina but is more of a peach color and does not have black in her tail.

This one is Lacey. She looks very much like our RIR but has a pattern on her feathers, similar to Goldie's.

This one is Fargo. I thought she was an Auracauna (sp?), but then I read that that breed does not have a tail, and she does. She lays very large eggs that are sometimes a mauvy-tan and sometimes a greenish blue.

And finally, these two are Juliet and Alouette. The only difference between them is that Juliet seems to have more white than black in her pattern than Alouette does.

Thank you to anyone who can answer these questions for me.
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Ok, I'm really bad at this game, but I can tell you the Marilyn and Hillary are sex links. lovely ladies, especially the triple laced whatever she is.
Josephina, Marilyn, Hillary and Georgia Peach look like red sex links. GP may be a bit different because she's already molted. Mine look much more solid in color after their molt.

Fargo is an Easter Egger. She shouldn't lay two colors of eggs, probably just the green one. Auracanas don't have a tail. They're pretty rare.

Juliet is a silver laced wyandotte. Alouette is probably one too, but a poor hatchery quality. It's hard to tell from the picture.
Thanks so much. Whether or not you think you're good at it, I figure that, given the numbers of people who are on this forum, once everyone has had a say, I should know what all of them are.
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Josephina and Georgia could be the same, as you say, and since Georgia is about a year older than Josephina, the effect of moulting could be a possibility. The other difference is that Josephina almost looks golden-copper in the sun, while Georgia is that peach color all over. They are also both larger than Marilyn and Hillary, if that helps.

I thought Fargo might be an Easter Egger. And whenever I find those mauve eggs, she is in the box. Of course, I suppose it could be someone else's egg, and she just happens to be in there at the time.

Thank you for all your insight.
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Woot! I know one... Lily White is a light brahma..I'll bet she is a big girl. I have a pair of light brahmas I lift in and out of their coop every day because before I got them, they were subject to frostbite and lost a few toes.
Silvie is a dark Brahma and Lily White is a light Brahma. Juliet and Alouette are silver laced Wyandottes. Fargo is an EE. Lacey is a partridge Rock. Goldie is a partridge Cochin (those missing feathers are odd -- was she injured?). Georgia and Josephina look like production reds while Marilyn and Hilary look like Red Stars. What color are Ebony's neck feathers? I'm guessing she's whatever they call their black sex link but the white legs make me wonder if she's supposed to be a Marans.
Silvie is a dark Brahma and Lily White is a light Brahma. Juliet and Alouette are silver laced Wyandottes. Fargo is an EE. Lacey is a partridge Rock. Goldie is a partridge Cochin (those missing feathers are odd -- was she injured?). Georgia and Josephina look like production reds while Marilyn and Hilary look like Red Stars. What color are Ebony's neck feathers? I'm guessing she's whatever they call their black sex link but the white legs make me wonder if she's supposed to be a Marans.
Wow! That takes care of ALL of them--doesn't it?

If you mean around Goldie's neck, I got her that way back in September (which is when that photo was taken). She came with seven others, four of which also had missing feathers. I atttributed it to moulting, but whatever it was, they got over it fairly quickly, except for Hillary, who seemed to make a career out of her moult.

Ebony's neck feathers are somewhat grayish.

Thank you very much for your help.

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