Could they possibly be that hungry????

I was wondering the same thing... 6 nearly 3 weeks old go through a quart sized jar of food in about a day and a half, granted some of it is in the bedding, but they scratch at it and eat off the "floor" just the same. Hungry little girls... I guess that's what it takes to grow literally over night
The Wal Mart sells the local made stuff. It's not a china knock off. Local Feed shop makes the food, sells it at 20.50 but Wal Mart sells the same stuff from the same company in the same bag for 14.50. Guess bulk purchases do get a discount. Now don't peg me was a wally world person. I'm not a big fan in Wal Mart since mostly they have junk but when I can save $6 a bag that lasts me a week, I'll shop for it there. I go in and by 4 to 5 bags at a time, nothing else.
What you fnd at Wally world will greatly depend on local & district management. They have the ability to carry things locally, but some managers see that as too great of a risk for lost profits. If you want to you can request that your store carry whatevery you'd like. Some managers are very open to ideas that they would never think of on their own....others...not so much. I'm not a huge WM fan either, but for $6 a week, I'd go there to. (I used to be in management at a WM, but don't hold it against me
When my girls see me commin they swarm to greet me. As soon as I place my hand in the brooder then are all over me. You would think that they hadnt been feed in days !

T i gave them some blueberries ... Oh boy ! They were running around with them ..... gold I tell ya ! GOLD !!!!! LOL
I agree with the above poster. Baby chicks seem to play with their food more than eat it. At least mine do. There is more on the floor than in their bellies. I use a game feeder for the first week. This has the holes on top so its hard for them to scratch out the food. Seems to work for me and the babies.
Mine learned to spread their feed everywhere, when I bought a "chicken feeder" they learned to knock off the lid then tip it over, I finally have a pretty good system going. Live and learn.

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