could use a little(no LOTS) of prayer


12 Years
went to my dr. this week and she has found my lymp glands have swoolen( sp) . the ones in my neck are still small. but the one under my arm by my left breast is about the size of a small grapefruit.I go Tue for a sona gram.Am I scared? yes, My dad, my bro, 2 sisters, granmother all died with some type of when you pray, could you include me. thanks marrie
You definitely have my prayers. Let me tell you something. I had the same thing. I had a biopsy done and diagnosed with Lymphoma. I was 27. Then another DR read the test results and disagreed. He said I did not. the DRs never followed up, they just dropped the whole thing. Now over 10 years later I wonder why I let it go so easy, but obviously the second DR was right. My point, no matter what the result, please get a second opinion.
thanks, saw where you lived, I have a cousin living there haven't seen in 20 years Name denise black, If you ever meet her say hi for me. marrie

I have never heard that name. What part of Montana is she from?

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