Countdown to Baby Chicks 2023 edition

Well that’s a bit embarrassing for them 😅. Wonder if they mixed up their photos? Kinda hope so…posting a crested cream legbar with no crest as their example photo is pretty bad :lau
Honestly…I would be tempted to email them. If their IT person swapped the legbar and light brown leghorn photos or something, they’d probably want to know
Honestly…I would be tempted to email them. If their IT person swapped the legbar and light brown leghorn photos or something, they’d probably want to know
Nope. They don’t sell brown leghorns, or anything with the silver duckwing colors/patterns. Wonder if they brought in some other similar-colored breed awhile back to strengthen their birds & add some genetic diversity. But I wouldn’t use a pic of a bird that came out without a crest. Their chicks had crests in the front pic. :confused:
Nope. They don’t sell brown leghorns, or anything with the silver duckwing colors/patterns. Wonder if they brought in some other similar-colored breed awhile back to strengthen their birds & add some genetic diversity. But I wouldn’t use a pic of a bird that came out without a crest. Their chicks had crests in the front pic. :confused:
On google, the uncrested hen is the first pic:idunno🤣
Understandable. Maybe a breed you don’t like as much? I don’t get as attached to flighty leghorns. Plus, I prefer a variety since we just have hens and dont breed chickens, so if I got 10 leghorns I wouldn’t want to keep them all. Mayyyyybe one. But don’t let me talk you into a bad idea. It can be a pain texting with all the interested people when most end up changing their mind, setting up meeting places and times, etc etc. The selling side can be a bit of work.
I'll think about it. I also don't want them to end up in the wrong hands.
A dog got to my beloved Flippy. I didn't even want to tell yaw'll.

Anyway, I have my eye on some EE frizzles (now can't remember which hatchery, duh). I think Meyer. But, australorps (any color, not choosey about that) are more in my radar. We'll see. Perhaps 5 of each 🧐 .
I am so sorry about flippy. Frizzles are so cute!!! I hatched out 5 last year. 3 splash, a black and a blue. All but the blue ended up being roos. I was so sad as one splash looked like a pullet for the longest time so I was going to keep it. I already have 2 roos so couldn't keep more. They are Cochin/EE mix that a breeder I buy hatching eggs from has been working on for 3 years. They look like Cochins but can lay green eggs!!!!
I am so sorry about flippy. Frizzles are so cute!!! I hatched out 5 last year. 3 splash, a black and a blue. All but the blue ended up being roos. I was so sad as one splash looked like a pullet for the longest time so I was going to keep it. I already have 2 roos so couldn't keep more. They are Cochin/EE mix that a breeder I buy hatching eggs from has been working on for 3 years. They look like Cochins but can lay green eggs!!!!
Frizzles are the best. I have a frizzle, 8 years old. She is one of my first chickens ever and everyone else from that first flock has passed but she is still rockin' it. Unfortunately, she stopped laying last year but she's still perfect.
Is there a market for selling older pullets where you live? You could buy chicks knowing you won’t keep them all (if you have the willpower for that). You likely would NOT make much if any money really, just recoup costs and have fun raising chicks. 🤷‍♀️
I've also thought about selling fertilized eggs to make some profit. Just not sure how to make sure they are fertile🤔. My roosters are weird...
I've also thought about selling fertilized eggs to make some profit. Just not sure how to make sure they are fertile🤔. My roosters are weird...
You can crack a few to eat and check those for fertility to get an idea? Also you could set up a “breeding pen” and put the rooster with one or two hens for a couple days and then take him out and collect her/their eggs. Should stay fertile for a while after the deed is done.
You can order specific blue, black &/or splash Australorp from Mt Healthy hatchery.
They have lots of ship dates listed too.

This is really bad... I start typing "how ma" and the first thing that pops up is "how many days to May 16th, 2023" which is my expected arrival date from Mt. H. Do I maybe ask that like every. single. day?!?!

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