I've thought about doing that but I dug myself a pond a few years ago and it just made sense to use the fish poop to feed the grow beds. It's been a blast to go out there and not have to do anything like pull weeds! The cukes grow fabulously.
What's your favorite part of hydroponics? Anything we can do to be more self sustainable is worth the effort!

View attachment 1104824 View attachment 1104825
Less space required
Less growing time required
Labor and garden maintenance is reduced
Water conservation
Nutrients are recyclable
Save money by recycling nutrients
Pest, weed, and disease problems can be controlled easier
Plants grown hydroponically avoids soil borne pests
More control over the plants rooting environment (Easily manipulate the rootzone's temperature,humidity, darkness, etc.)
Higher and better quality Yields
Welcome to BYC from middle Tennessee :frow I piddle in hydroponics as well and had an aquaponic setup--but decided it too sensitive for a guy who was traveling all the time. Looking to try again after i'm fully retired.
Wow! That looks amazing.
Are you near Smithville, TN?
Thank you for sharing. Are those peppers?
So cool~

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