cover/lid over brooder?

I have a kitty cat so mine are always covered with strong wire mesh. I make a lid out of the wire so its nice and secure.
I agree with the above post...if they're flapping, its best to cover them before you come back to a face-full of flying fluffs
We made a top for the large cardboard brooder box out of some hardware cloth (I put duct tape around the edges--that stuff scratches!). The piece of hardward cloth is bigger than the box, so I just lay it over the top of the box to keep the chicks from possibly flying out.
Because I have dogs and cats in the house, I covered my stock tank with hardware cloth that I cut a little bigger then bent the edges all around to make a lid. It served to help keep the heat lamps from falling in the tank as well.

When the chicks got to the age they could fly out, I put a couple of 2 x 6's on the top of the tank so they could fly up to roost on them to get snacks and visit while I was changing water, feed, etc twice a day.
So mine learned to fly somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks of age. One flew from DH's shoulder to my lap last night

I'd go ahead and cover that brooder because pretty soon they'll figure it out. I just use a lace curtain, lets the light through but prevents flight.

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