
OOOOOOOO-K.... I have to ask.... where are ya located, what breeds did you order and are you willing to give away (not for free of course:) less than half? Don't tell my fiance I'm asking:)
There's a whole community of super picky CL flaggers. They just go around all day policing the crap out of everyone, whether they deserve it or not.
It's a real nuisance. Just keep putting it up if it gets flagged.
Taunton Massachusetts . I was dumb for ordering early , comming feb 1st. Still really cold. I ordered 5 Buff rocks, 5 Partridge Rocks, 5 Delawares, 5 BLACK AUSTRALORPS and 5 turkens. I would be willing but depends on how they come . Hopefully they survive the trip. This is my first time ordering from a hatchery
Not really true. There are MANY postings that deserve flagging in the F&G section of CL. I use CL to sell my rabbits and chickens all the time. There are rules for posting on CL, and there are many who decide not to follow them. Farm and Garden means Farm and Garden, not selling dogs, cats, parrots,iguanas, dirt bikes, and other non-farm animals and items. These idiots post the same non-farm stuff over and over again, no matter how often they get flagged. Then there are the meatballs who list a chainsaw for 250.00 when the same saw new is 200.00. When their overpriced item doesn't get any responses, they repost it every couple of hours to keep their post on the top of the page. Is that fair to someone who is posting by the rules, and keeps having their legit ad buryed because of the nitwit's abuse of the system? Then there are the jerks who for whatever reason, have been "wronged" by someone that they bought something from on CL, and feel the need to post endlessly with complaints about their purchase, disguised as a legit ad. You have all seen examples of this if you frequent CL.

I'm not "picky" but I will certainly flag any ad that I feel is misleading, non-farm related, or a blatant spam or overpost. Also, I know for a fact that it takes several people to flag an individual ad for it to be removed. That just proves that the ad has bothered more than just one person (5, I believe) and has been flagged multiple times. I'm quite sure that the OP's ad was placed in good faith, but for some reason, several people thought that it didn't belong. Maybe it was because the ad was to "split" an order, and not enough details were presented, such as the amount of chicks, or the asking price. Remember that the F&G section is for buying and selling, with some tolerance for "wanted" items. I don't know for sure, but the OP could probably repost it with clearer details and it would have no problems, just my 2 pennies.
Thanks I like your idea. I'll give more info too. It just urks me that it was the first time I ever posted on craigs list. I didnt think I broke any rules. Oh well life goes on
Thanks for the info Every one

Don't worry too much. Worst case you have a few more chicks to take care of but really they are so small it's not going to make that much of a difference in feed and cleaning up anyway. I just put mine in a rubber storage container with some hay and once a week go and dump the nasty hay out and replace it with fresh. The food and water your going to do anyway. And if you grow them out a bit you will be able to get more for them.(even at 4-8weeks) Especially this time of year! I think your smart to order now you'll have eggs this summer:D! Just try the post again but don't sweat it...chicks go fast! Blessings, Keri
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Hey Scotty,

Definately isn't the Rent-A-Chick girl
That's me
haha I would NEVER flag a fellow chicken crazy! In fact if you ever need a person to go in on another batch with you let me know! I am only renting my chicks, not selling and its so baby chicks in the area don't get sold to easter cooks....I'm taking them back to either keep as layers or sell as layers when they are older. It is illegal to sell chicks in Massachusetts, too many people used to sell dyed easter ones, that no one cared for, so animal rights people are probably freaking out on craigslist. Just post that you got too many and are looking for good adoptive homes for them....say that they must be layer homes or something! Believe me there are TONS of chicken people in our area of MA and you will find someone to take them. Who the H E double hockey sticks has enough time these days to scan ads and flag em...its ridiculous! Good Luck!

By the way do you have any hens right now? I was wondering if anyone else in Taunton had hens that went on strike? I've got only 4 out of 14 adult hens laying! I'm ready for spring too I guess.

I have bought all my chicks through craigslist.

I got my Marans in Ocala Florida.

I got my EE and leghorns in St. Augustine Florida.

I got my Wyandottes in Jacksonville, Florida.

Right now - I'm looking at a chick purchase in Gainesville, Florda.


RE-list your ad. You will find buyers. If you were closer to me, I would be calling you
This is where craigslist gets murky. I was flagged for looking for 'pet chickens' yet there are always posts for 'pet rabbits'
After spending an entire night re-posting, getting flagged, posting on their the ad, getting flagged etc etc...I just use BYC now!

Here's irony for ya: I have met more chicken people on BYC that are close to me then off craigslist which is supposed to be local! People respond to craigslist ad's from 2 hours away or more.

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