crappy service at ER

Add us to the list DH fell out of a tree, they said his wrist wasn't broken in the ER. Then the doctor at work said it was not broken (she didn't even look at an Xray and said he should go back to work) a week later it was still swollen and extremely painful so we went to an urgent care place. They did an Xray right there and said it was broken! 8 weeks in cast --- the doc at work soon lost her job because she sent a woman with an unset broken leg doped up on morphine to run a utility control board!
The best one yet. I used to work at a group home for developmentally disabled adults.
One of our residents had a epileptic seizure and she hit her head pretty hard, so she was taken to the ER for x-rays, just in case. The ER she was sent to is the one I already mentioned.
They x-rayed her head and also her chest, to check for rib fractures. Based on the x-rays they said there was no fractures, but that her right lung had a "HUGE MASS" on it.
This freaked everyone out. She was taken by ambulance to the major hospital in Little Rock. Her family was contacted and they drove from two states away to be with her. We were all sick to death with worry.
Know what the huge mass was? Dirty x-ray equipment (a smudge) at the local hospital.
A few years ago I worked at a local hospital. There was a car accident and the driver and her infant daughter were brought in. Unfortunately the mom was DOA. They checked over the baby and sent her home with dad a few hours later. The baby wouldn't stop crying so a few hours later the family took her to Children's in Seattle. They found that the infant had 2 broken legs. A week or so later I was helping with a catering event for some of the Docs, and I overheard them talking about the case. They were complaining that they should be responsible cause infants couldn't answer questions and tell them where it hurts. They actually used the phrase "infants are like animals and they weren't vets"

i know in Mass they could have a tech look at it and diagnose it as being something less severe, and a few days later the real doc looks at it and figures out that you were misdiagnosed.

happened to my grandmother a couple of years ago with some chest x-rays to see if she could have had pneumonia-which she had but they say she didn't the 1st time. though it was only 3 days in between it still could have wreaked havoc on her if it got worse.
I can't believe how often this happens!

My hubby had an accident at work a few years ago, he went into surgery for one leg, it was broken and they put pins in it, the other one they said it was fine!
They gave him crutches and he was discharged the next day - He said he couldn't walk on the other leg with the crutches it was too painful, they pushed him out in a wheelchair, he suffered like that for a week before his next doctors appointment, where they discovered the other leg was broken as well.
My mom went to the ER when she could no longer tolerate severe stomach pain.They told her to take pepcid for heartburn. Still in pain she went to her doctor and found out she had a serious bacterial infection in her gastro system.She would have died if they had not caught it.She was on 2 antibiotics for over a month.You would think ER's could do a better job espcially with broken bones!
I loved it when I took my DD(when she was 4) in for X-rays when she had swallowed an unknown coin. RIGHT after the doc finishes telling me the X-ray will enlarge everything slightly, he pops her film on the screen and plops a nickel on the coin and makes this grand statement 'She swallowed a Nickel.' ...... She had swallowed a penny.....
Then I told him since it was already past the stomach we might as well go home.

No horror stories about ER's here, I just go in for stupid stuff at the local joint..... anything major I will drive the 35 min. to the larger Hospitals.....
we have 2 major hospitals and they both have gotten really bad... I used to use one of the hospitals until someone went in with chest pains and they stuck him in the waiting room and let him die ... my cousin was having a miscarriage and instead of sending her to the maternity ward they stuck in the waiting room and she delivered the fetus in the bathroom because they didn't care enough to check her... so I switched to the other hospital and they used to be good but have seens gotten horrible...I will have a large bill to pay you think they would do a better job... I am calling my docotr today and get him to get my xrays...
We just had the opposite thing happen with
my foster son hurt his arm in gym was dangling funny and hurting him alot, so i brought him to the er...
well the er doc said it was fractured and put a temp type cast on it until we could get to another doc.
well..that week when we brought him to the other doc he said it wasnt fractured... who knows..
I have had several broken bones in the past(assuming from when Iwas a kid playing wonder woman jumping off the roof of our house) that i didn't know about until I was an adult and was told I had fractured bones that healed )...

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