craziest chicken myths...

I had that problem- I had someone tell me that you can't get rid of lice if you are around chickens. The vet then assured me that the lice is specific to the animals- goats can't get chicken lice, chickens can't get goat lice, and humans can't get either.
I may have to tell my cousin this. A while ago we were both at my grandma's and right before we were about to leave, we saw a batch of kittens! I immediately picked one up and tried to tame it a little while I could, while the first thing my cousin does is ask "Do they have lice?"
Someone told me today that if your chickens aren't laying well, just dunk them upside down real quick in cold water... Sounds like an old wives tale.
What do you think?
When I was a little kid and my cousins would come over to play, we thought it was funny to chase the chickens. My mom would yell at us and say "don't chase the chickens - they will lay bloody eggs!" A few years back I asked her if that was true, and she said "no, I just didn't want you kids chasing my chickens!"
I know right! I just wanted to see if anyone else heard that myth and make sure there's nothing to it. I've also heard a sprinkle of cayenne in their water can promote laying? That sounds plausible...

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