Crazy gun toting neighbour and his dogs

Not sure of your location, but check your local dog laws and if it's legal, I would shoot the dogs, and if you fear retaluation, dispose of the bodies discreetly. I love animals, and the thought of hurting one is abhorrent, however, that being said, these dogs sound dangerous and you shouldn't have to live in fear on your own property.
Why would you SHOOT the dogs?! They are not the problem, the owner is.
Dogs are animals. Just like it is a chicken's instinct to peck and scratch, it is a dog's instinct to hunt.
But dogs are very loyal. If we treat them right, and train them right, they will not kill animals. I mean, think about it. We kill millions of livestock every day for our food, and for their food. I'm not saying there is no problem with the dogs killing animals, but I am saying that they are not the ones at fault.
@KhalSancho, please, if you do decide to take action, do not harm the dogs.
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I'm sorry. There's no way in hell I wouldn't be calling the cops. If he retaliates, it's only going to make things worse for himself.

As far as his dogs, he gets one warning. Then he gets them back feet first.

I have to respectfully agree. Give him a warning. Then either trap, or dispatch, the dogs. Unfortunately for the dog(s), your children’s and your livestock’s safety is your priority. I wouldn’t hesitate to take care of the dogs myself if the neighbor didn’t listen to reason.
This is an interesting thread - and a tricky situation. Here's my 2 cents - if you like shooting, would you ever consider taking Benjamin Franklin's advice by asking a favor of your neighbor - in this case, something like "Hey, I hear you shooting out here quite a bit. I love shooting but I can't shoot because X (don't have a gun/approved license/whatever). Any chance you could show me your guns or your range?

This allows you to
1) Actually get to know your neighbor for yourself, and allow him to know you. He doesn't sound "crazy" to me. Probably a jerk, probably lacking consideration towards others, etc, but crazy?
2) Opens the door wayyy wider in the future for any future request you may have of him.

I hadn't heard of Benjamin Franklin's advice until I heard it on a Youtube video the other day. Here's a link:

It actually makes a lot of sense - we treat people very differently when we don't know them. Once we get to know them, we actually care about what they want (sometimes).

It's actually the Golden Rule - "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them."

Would you want some neighbor you don't know telling you not to shoot your guns, leash your dogs up, etc if that's what you wanted to do? Or would you rather have your neighbor come and demonstrate a desire to get to know you, show you respect, etc?

I'm a veteran. I'm not a salty guy, but I've been around PLENTY of salty soldiers. Salty young men with a "F you" attitude become salty old guys with a "F you" attitude. I can tell you that many of these guys won't care about you or what you want at all - until you have something in common with them, and until they see you are worthy of respect.

This may not be the advice you wanted, but I honestly think it's the approach we need in may of our neighbor interactions/the world.
Why would you SHOOT the dogs?! They are not the problem, the owner is.
Dogs are animals. Just like it is a chicken's instinct to peck and scratch, it is a dog's instinct to hunt.
But dogs are very loyal. If we treat them right, and train them right, they will not kill animals. I mean, think about it. We kill millions of livestock every day for our food, and for their food. I'm not saying there is no problem with the dogs killing animals, but I am saying that they are not the ones at fault.
@KhalSancho, please, if you do decide to take action, do not harm the dogs.

If the safety of small children is in question then unfortunately the dogs should either be trapped and turned over to animal control or dispatched. I would dislike having to put a dog down. However, I couldn’t live with myself if that same dog harmed my toddler because of my inaction. It is an unpleasant predicament.
Why would you SHOOT the dogs?! They are not the problem, the owner is.
Dogs are animals. Just like it is a chicken's instinct to peck and scratch, it is a dog's instinct to hunt.
But dogs are very loyal. If we treat them right, and train them right, they will not kill animals. I mean, think about it. We kill millions of livestock every day for our food, and for their food. I'm not saying there is no problem with the dogs killing animals, but I am saying that they are not the ones at fault.
@KhalSancho, please, if you do decide to take action, do not harm the dogs.
I think the issue isn’t just that they are going after the animals but that are human aggressive too and dangerous. I think that’s why they said what they did.

That said, I personally don’t agree with shooting them either and I’m sure with a new, better owner they could be rehabbed and trained but if they’re coming after you or your kids, you don’t always necessarily have time to think of that or hesitate.

But I do think a non lethal option like maybe pepper spray or something might be better to use.

Would keep everyone safe without killing the dogs.
I think the issue isn’t just that they are going after the animals but that are human aggressive too and dangerous. I think that’s why they said what they did.

That said, I personally don’t agree with shooting them either and I’m sure with a new, better owner they could be rehabbed and trained but if they’re coming after you or your kids, you don’t always necessarily have time to think of that or hesitate.

But I do think a non lethal option like maybe pepper spray or something might be better to use.

Would keep everyone safe without killing the dogs.

There are many thoughtful, compassionate, replies on this thread. Wanted to share how much I appreciate the level of respect, concern and empathy for both animals + people. What a quality group of folks 😊.
Why would you SHOOT the dogs?! They are not the problem, the owner is.
Dogs are animals. Just like it is a chicken's instinct to peck and scratch, it is a dog's instinct to hunt.
But dogs are very loyal. If we treat them right, and train them right, they will not kill animals. I mean, think about it. We kill millions of livestock every day for our food, and for their food. I'm not saying there is no problem with the dogs killing animals, but I am saying that they are not the ones at fault.
@KhalSancho, please, if you do decide to take action, do not harm the dogs.

It's simple. Really it is. He is responsible for his dogs. PERIOD. His dogs come on to my property and injure or kill livestock or my dogs, that cost me money. Vet bills, replacing critters, ECT. Not to mention the emotional distress I have to go through if my dogs were injured or killed.

If he refused to pay for my losses, and he continued to let his dogs run, he'd be loosing dogs at a rapid rate. Wouldn't be the first time...

I'd rather take his dogs out before they escalate and attack a person.
Since talking to the neighbor is not expected to work...

I would build a physical fence (protect baby, adults, chickens).

I would consider electric fence outside the physical one.

After that, if the dogs kept coming, I would remove them somehow--preference for trapping/catching them and delivering to animal control. (If the owner has to drive somewhere and pay a fee to get them back, then he's got an incentive to keep them home in future. If he doesn't bother getting them back, then they are gone from that area, and also have a chance of finding a new, better owner somewhere else.)

If animal control does not exist in the area, or if animal control will not take the dogs, I would choose to kill the neighbor's dogs rather than have them kill my pets/livestock and possibly a injure or kill a person.
1. He was there first. Its up to you to find some accommodation. Put your preconceived notions aside for a minute, and stop assuming his is an irredeemable horror show. Breath.

2. Drop off a "Hi, I'm your new neighbor" box with baked goods, maybe some jam and a good sized bottle of whisky. Include PICTURES of you and the BABY and your prize BIRDS, and a letter kindly introducing yourselves. And maybe at the end hint you are afraid of the dogs.

3. Let him think on that for two or three weeks and he'll go into solutions mode on his own if you don't push him. Push him and he'll push back.

4. Old guys are like cats. If you run after then, they run away. Sit still and they come to you, slowly.
sometimes cats bite!

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