Crazy people..what do they have against chickens?!


9 Years
Feb 22, 2010
So...funny yet crazy little story here.

Since I got my chicks, I've been trying to talk a friend into getting some herself. She lives in the country (outside city limits). But it appears that her neighborhood has some sort of covenent, that says no poultry. They have no HOA in place.
We have just been chatting about it on FB, and she has been talking to her neighbors about the idea.
Recently, just to mess with her friends she posted a link to BYC on her FB page, I made comments like "if we can build a coop we can do *this or that*"

**she does not have chickens, and at this time has no plans to get them**

It turns out today, she heard thru the grapevine, one of her neighbors is starting the process to SUE her for having chickens.

I assume her neighbor would need some sort of proof before proceeding with legal action. Of course, if her neighbor does actually sue her, and finds out that she never had chickens in the first place..ohhh what a sight.

So, I'm curious how long my friend will let the neighbor drag it out. She wants to avoid any legal fees (obviously since she doesnt actually have any chicks)....any idea how the process of her neighbor would work?

I think we should go over there and play a recorded rooster crowing at 5am...
I did give my friend the link to the forums.... I think if it goes any further she will probably end up posting here to find out more about what that process would be like.

Oh dear oh dear... what do people have against the girls? I dont get it !

see if you can find some plastic chickens or ducks and put then in her yard and hopefully the neighbor will take pics and walk into court with pics of fake chickens and will gat laughed out of court and then the trouble making neighbor will have to pay restitution

sorry I will stop helping
THAT is the BEST idea yet!

mmm plastic chickens...where might we find those! LOL

Some people are busy-bodies with no life. Only through making other people miserable can they come up with any kind of justification for their own existence.

I say get the plastic chickens and mess with them for fun and sport
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Without a written agreement/HOA/covenant or something, I can't see how a neighbor can possibly sue her over her decision to get chickens, especially if she was zoned for them. Some people need better things to do with their lives.

It'll be funny to see just how far the idiot neighbor takes this, considered your friend doesn't even have any. She should get a game camera set up so she can get pictures of her idiot neighbor trespassing to try to get proof of chickens. Then she can get her in trouble with the police.
Ohh now theres an idea

I will def update with how this goes, I cant help but laugh. Sue over chickens? Seriously? I mean even if she did have chickens, whats the most that would come out of it...git rid of them. Some people.
I do believe she has a covenant, but no active HOA or Group monitoring the neighborhood.
I'm totally going to town tomorrow to find a plastic hen.
This reminds me of something similiar that happened to an aquaintance of ours. He did NOT have a dog, the neighbors kept hearing a dog barking and didnt even check with him or say squat to him. They called the police and complained about a dog barking.
The police showed up at his house and were reading him the riot act, he kept nodding and then when they were done, he said" There is just one problem". When they asked "What?" he said "I dont have a dog."
They headed over to the neighbors.....

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