Crazy people..what do they have against chickens?!

Drag it out and let the nutjob pay for a lawyer before you tell them there aren't any'll serve them right. I'd buy some brown eggs and take to them as a gift too in the mean time just to be a smart butt. Just don't say your chickens laid them, just say you have too many eggs and thought they might enjoy them instead of letting them go to waste. What a jerk!
If she got a garden, get a bag of chicken manure on the side she is on, and when the wind is just right, blowing INTO her way....sniff, sniff!

The store bought eggs, get brown ones are priceless....or find a farmer's market for those colorful eggs LOL! Just pass them on to her that those are lovely eggs! Be sure to get some NEW egg carton that you can put her own name on them LOLOLOL!

and a toy chicken that goes bawk bawk bawk, sqqqqqqquak! Or a tape recorder LOLOLOL!

Oh jeez, how much more can I take!

MagsC, I hope it follows the same pattern as the neighbor's LOLOLOL!
I bet they will get tired of her complaints.
Oh I have bags of pine based chicken poo just waiting for her garden.

I seriously dont get it, at this point the neighbor doesnt even have anything to complain about!
Many properties have deed restrictions/covenants. Depending on the particular local, it may require a lawsuit by an individual to enforce the restriction, or it may be enforceable by the governing city or county. Sometimes the covenants last forever; other times they expire after a certain number of years.

IMO, while the whole thing is amusing, it could cost $$$$ to defend against a lawsuit, even if it is just to prove that you don't have chickens. So I would have to say that she needs to approach her neighbrs in some way and let them know that she has no chickens, and never has had non-fantasy chickens.
I'd get them for Stalking! And put up some rubber chickens,,, Get some of those little fluffy ones at cvs that peep when you hold them! This person reminds mr of Harriet Olson, From Little House On The Prarie... Remember the epiosde where Mrs. Olson was easdropping on the phone lines? I say Go Get'er Half Pint!
I hope that she drags it out enough to embarass the neighbor for jumping the gun!

We were turned in to the local animal cops for having roosters on our property... of course we only have hens
Before they usually take them to court, dont the police guys ask if you got chickens? And they want to SEE the evidence??????

No evidence, no report of chickens at all at her residence, that paper is proof enough for court. Sometimes it is not all that expensive except for small claims court for filings, judge's time, court time.

Go do check out the convent laws and find out if they are legal.
i would so tape record some roosters crowing and play them late at night when she sleeps.. just once.. then later do it again.. and again.. when the police come you can say you haven't heard a thing and have no idea what "gladys" is talking about..
If she's suing small claims court (which she would be, unless she wants over $5k....) then all you're going to get is a certified letter saying to come to court on xyz date. If you are really innocent until proven guilty, she's gonna have to PROVE that you have chickens. I'd go, stand up there like the guy with the dog, not say a word, and then just flatly state "we don't have any chickens" (if you can do it without laughing, maybe practice first! lol)


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