Crazy quail is trying to incubate 30 eggs


Highly quailified
Nov 28, 2020
Honolulu, HI
I always thought it would be amazing to have coturnix chicks hatch under a hen. I should be more careful of what I wish for. I reintroduced two roos back to the flock to see what groups would form, and one hen went berserk. She and the others beat up the most aggressive roo who got sent back to live on his own to heal. Then, she proceeded to gather all of the eggs should could find and jealously guard and incubate them. Every day, she keeps adding everyone else's eggs too.

It is comical: one hen trying to make herself as flat as possible so she can cover a sea of eggs. Today, I took a few out, candled them, and it looks like some are developing. I took away some that didn't look like they were progressing.

Anyhow, now it is a race against time to see if I can build the cage to be chick-safe and big enough that all the birds don't get in each other's way. And who even knows if there will be chicks at all.

Quail. Never a dull moment.
Update: there are now two hens sitting on this clutch of eggs. I think Nabiki might be right about how well this bird has been sitting on what she has though. Not sure any of them will ultimately hatch. She's been pretty sloppy about keeping them all warm.
In reality, she should only have 6 to 8 eggs under her. More than that and the chances for any of them to incubate to term is very "iffy". Also, she may just quit, too! So better have an incubator ready. Good luck!
I'm not expecting chicks at this point. She'll probably be a good brooder if I had her isolated without extra eggs and distractions. I tried to separate the cage section, but that only made her even more berserk. A lady I sold eggs to had her hen hatch eggs, but at the time she was a lone bird after the rest of the flock went out a cage hole and never came back. And, it was just 6 chicks from eight she was sitting on. Broody quail hatches 6

Honestly not sure how much I really want them to brood, but the babies are SO cute, running in and around, then under mama.

Quail: world's biggest time drain. (But for some reason I can't give up raising them)
I always thought it would be amazing to have coturnix chicks hatch under a hen. I should be more careful of what I wish for. I reintroduced two roos back to the flock to see what groups would form, and one hen went berserk. She and the others beat up the most aggressive roo who got sent back to live on his own to heal. Then, she proceeded to gather all of the eggs should could find and jealously guard and incubate them. Every day, she keeps adding everyone else's eggs too.

It is comical: one hen trying to make herself as flat as possible so she can cover a sea of eggs. Today, I took a few out, candled them, and it looks like some are developing. I took away some that didn't look like they were progressing.

Anyhow, now it is a race against time to see if I can build the cage to be chick-safe and big enough that all the birds don't get in each other's way. And who even knows if there will be chicks at all.

Quail. Never a dull moment.
This is why I got a broody hen. To hatch my quail eggs! But as soon as I read uncooked quail eggs are fine to eat raw even dogs and chickens can eat them I started giving them to my chickens as snacks and treats so when they see a quail egg they want to munch on some grindage.
I think one is going to hatch. I got to the phase where I warmed up the incubator and took away multiple eggs. One looked like it was pipping so I gave it back. I hope there's more than one under her though. How lonely it would be to be one. Everything is still so uncertain.
It hatched. Just 1. I put the rest in the incubator. We'll see if there are more. I think this hen may end up becoming a pet and a future mama hen go-to. For now, the hen and her 1 chick are in a brooder and she's making very contented sounds.

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