Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

Thanks:) I call her color apricot lol....but I posted her before and someone said dilute something. Plus if I knew her exact cross I could make more.
Looks like dominant white to me (like the rooster above). If you breed her with a pure CL rooster their babies have a 50% chance of looking like that :)
That's exactly how I got my rooster. Bred my cream Legbar roo to an EE that same color. Half the chicks were like the mother, and half came out sort of like Legbars.

The newest group of CL dad x CL, EE, or Leghorn hens. Theres one black one with a head spot which Im pleased about as that means black barred, more color variety for the flock.

Oh they are so cute! Mini chipmunks!
I am sure there is an answer somewhere in this thread. If I cross my CL roo with my Welsunmer pullets, will the chicks be autosexing? Anybody done it and have pics?
I am sure there is an answer somewhere in this thread. If I cross my CL roo with my Welsunmer pullets, will the chicks be autosexing? Anybody done it and have pics?
Not auto sexing or sex link . All chicks will get 1 barring gene from the rooster . So all will have small head spots .
Not auto sexing or sex link . All chicks will get 1 barring gene from the rooster . So all will have small head spots .

Does this mean that if I have a legbar/welsummer cross where the chicks have no head spot, then the Welsummer was the rooster? Or because I am seeing barring in my rooster of this cross now, does it mean that the Legbar was the male parent?

I got two of these crosses from Meyer hatchery, so I'm not sure which breed was which parent, but I got a cockerel and pullet chick, and both looked mostly the same--chipmunk--until they started feathering in. The cockerel had maybe the faintest suggestion of a light spot on his head, but I kept looking at it because I wasn't sure if I was even really seeing it or if it was a trick of the light--it did not show up clearly at all. Now the rooster has basically the coloring of a Welsummer but with barring all over, and the pullet (who is only 6 weeks at this point) looks kind of like a Welsummer with a black head,darker body, and mini crest forming.


Flock master the 3 picture from the bottom .these 2 in the middle are gorgeous,
I am working with some marans and the first year so i am only now hatching the first srt of eggs.
I can wait to see what come from them. You know anyone that has picture of that combination.i love to see them.
Do i have someting to conpsir to
Flock master the 3 picture from the bottom .these 2 in the middle are gorgeous,
I am working with some marans and the first year so i am only now hatching the first srt of eggs.
I can wait to see what come from them. You know anyone that has picture of that combination.i love to see them.
Do i have someting to conpsir to

If you are using black-copper Marans the pullet chicks are solid black on the top of their heads and the cockerels will have a tiny white spot. The pullets feather out like a black-copper Marans hen and the cockerels feather out barred.


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If you are using black-copper Marans the pullet chicks are solid black on the top of their heads and the cockerels will have a tiny white spot. The pullets feather out like a black-copper Marans hen and the cockerels feather out barred.

Great pics!

Doesn't the head-spot only happen when the rooster is the Marans and the hen is the Legbar?
Great pics!

Doesn't the head-spot only happen when the rooster is the Marans and the hen is the Legbar?

Yes! Sorry about that. If you do the cross the other way you still get chicks that look either way (and they will either look like Black-Copper Marans or be barred) but both sexes will have either pattern. You won't get the sex-linked barring pattern unless the hen is the Cream Legbar (barring gene) passed to only male chicks. If the rooster is barred he will randomly give the barring gene to 50% of the chicks regardless of sex.

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