Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

This is the set i doing. I picked them cause the marans are a low quality. And i got them free the rooster i paid 2 dollars for.
I would never use my . Good hens in this.
This is the set i doing. I picked them cause the marans are a low quality. And i got them free the rooster i paid 2 dollars for.
I would never use my . Good hens in this.

For me, I had a bunch of Cream Legbar hens that either didn't have crests or they didn't have good cream but still laid tons of nice blue eggs. I figured that I may as well make some olive eggers.
Would mixed pullet chicks from a cream legbar roo over LF Blue Cochin or Salmon Fave be likely to be blue egg layers?

No. Both of those breeds lay brown eggs so the results would be green to olive colored eggs. To get blue eggs you need to cross the legbar with either a blue egg layer or a white egg layer. Blue is dominant over white so one blue egg gene and one white egg gene will yield a blue egg layer.
No. Both of those breeds lay brown eggs so the results would be green to olive colored eggs. To get blue eggs you need to cross the legbar with either a blue egg layer or a white egg layer. Blue is dominant over white so one blue egg gene and one white egg gene will yield a blue egg layer.

Thank you for answering that for me! Its actually a more mixed flock than that(other Roos include a Maran, a frizzle Polish(penned 2 weeks ago), a Salmon Fave(sold 2 weeks ago), along with the Cream Legbar so its really a toss up on who he sired, but still exciting to know I can hatch some green or blue egg layers(other hens were silver spangled hamburg or polish). Also have a few cream legbar eggs(3 hens just started laying, 3 eggs collected 2 days ago) so I will be paying close attention to their eggs(since they should be autosexing, most likely sired by Blue Copper Maran or Cream Legbar)

So figuring on those Roos, any that chicks that hatch with a head spot will have been sired by the Cream Legbar Rooster since he is the only barred?
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Thank you for answering that for me! Its actually a more mixed flock than that(other Roos include a Maran, a frizzle Polish(penned 2 weeks ago), a Salmon Fave(sold 2 weeks ago), along with the Cream Legbar so its really a toss up on who he sired, but still exciting to know I can hatch some green or blue egg layers(other hens were silver spangled hamburg or polish). Also have a few cream legbar eggs(3 hens just started laying, 3 eggs collected 2 days ago) so I will be paying close attention to their eggs(since they should be autosexing, most likely sired by Blue Copper Maran or Cream Legbar)

So figuring on those Roos, any that chicks that hatch with a head spot will have been sired by the Cream Legbar Rooster since he is the only barred?

Female Cream Legbars carry the barring gene and crossing them with a Black-Copper Marans makes a sex-link (not auto-sexing) chick. They won't be chipmunk striped though (they will be black...see a few posts above). A pure Cream Legbar has two blue egg genes and will give one copy to any offspring. If you cross to Marans you get an Olive Egger but if you cross to a light brown egg layer you get different lighter shades of green. If you breed those offspring they only have one blue egg gene to give to 50% of their offspring. If you inbreed those birds 25% will get zero blue egg genes, 50% will get one and 25% will get two blue egg genes.
Female Cream Legbars carry the barring gene and crossing them with a Black-Copper Marans makes a sex-link (not auto-sexing) chick. They won't be chipmunk striped though (they will be black...see a few posts above). A pure Cream Legbar has two blue egg genes and will give one copy to any offspring. If you cross to Marans you get an Olive Egger but if you cross to a light brown egg layer you get different lighter shades of green. If you breed those offspring they only have one blue egg gene to give to 50% of their offspring. If you inbreed those birds 25% will get zero blue egg genes, 50% will get one and 25% will get two blue egg genes.

Ok main question I have now is *Does a male Cream Legbar have 2 barring genes? If so all his offspring, males and females, will get 1 barring gene and have at least a small head spot as chicks indicating I can easily identify which chicks he sired? Or will I get some with a head spot(indicating 1 barring gene) and some without?
So far I've only have 5 chicks hatch(3 from light brown eggs so from LF Cochin or Salmon Fave-probably unlikely though since those 3 chicks didnt have feathered feet but will count toes when I pull them out, other likely mom *was* a Dominique and she was a awesome layer, don't think I had any other brown egg laying breeds) and those 3 do have a tiny white spot in addition to non feathered feet. Also had 2 chicks hatch from Copper Maran eggs(Blue or Splash Copper Maran mom) and they look bluish down with some feet feathering.

I haven't set any other light brown eggs, only eggs from Copper Marans and my separate Silkie pen due to a full incubator but I've got around 30 light brown eggs sitting in trays LOL. Finally pulled out my Reptibator, added a fan(I had already taken off my old graphics computer card fan and spliced to a plug in) and just set it up to incubate more eggs. The auto turn *barely* fit in the reptibator bottom, with some pushing and styrofoam scraping.
Ok main question I have now is *Does a male Cream Legbar have 2 barring genes? If so all his offspring, males and females, will get 1 barring gene and have at least a small head spot as chicks indicating I can easily identify which chicks he sired? Or will I get some with a head spot(indicating 1 barring gene) and some without?
So far I've only have 5 chicks hatch(3 from light brown eggs so from LF Cochin or Salmon Fave-probably unlikely though since those 3 chicks didnt have feathered feet but will count toes when I pull them out, other likely mom *was* a Dominique and she was a awesome layer, don't think I had any other brown egg laying breeds) and those 3 do have a tiny white spot in addition to non feathered feet. Also had 2 chicks hatch from Copper Maran eggs(Blue or Splash Copper Maran mom) and they look bluish down with some feet feathering.

I haven't set any other light brown eggs, only eggs from Copper Marans and my separate Silkie pen due to a full incubator but I've got around 30 light brown eggs sitting in trays LOL. Finally pulled out my Reptibator, added a fan(I had already taken off my old graphics computer card fan and spliced to a plug in) and just set it up to incubate more eggs. The auto turn *barely* fit in the reptibator bottom, with some pushing and styrofoam scraping.

Someone above stated that they will all be barred. That may be right. I think that it is correct that the roosters have two barring genes. I crossed my old Cream Legbar rooster with some Black-Star hens (Rhode Island Red X Plymouth Barred Rock). I don't recall all of those chicks having a white head spot. If I remember correctly only about half did but I was informed that it would not correlate to sex at all. I saved a pair from that hatch for green eggs and ended up crossing that rooster to some Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hens. I'm now hatching 5 generations out trying to get Lavender Laced, rose comb, crested green egg layers. The chicks are adorable but they feather out looking just Lavender but a little "dirty" looking. Unfortunately some are just Lavender and unless I'm really careful to mark them they look just like my Lavender Orpingtons until their crests are developed. I may just abandon the whole project or try and go another direction with it.
Someone above stated that they will all be barred. That may be right. I think that it is correct that the roosters have two barring genes. I crossed my old Cream Legbar rooster with some Black-Star hens (Rhode Island Red X Plymouth Barred Rock). I don't recall all of those chicks having a white head spot. If I remember correctly only about half did but I was informed that it would not correlate to sex at all. I saved a pair from that hatch for green eggs and ended up crossing that rooster to some Blue Laced Red Wyandotte hens. I'm now hatching 5 generations out trying to get Lavender Laced, rose comb, crested green egg layers. The chicks are adorable but they feather out looking just Lavender but a little "dirty" looking. Unfortunately some are just Lavender and unless I'm really careful to mark them they look just like my Lavender Orpingtons until their crests are developed. I may just abandon the whole project or try and go another direction with it.

Aww it does sound like a fun but time consuming project.

Yes at this point I'm just trying to identify the Cream Legbar's offspring so I can sell some of the other mixed chicks that won't lay green. I would like some Green egg layers and I don't really want to keep them all and wait and see who lays....not that I don't have room, I've been building pens inside my barn its just that I'd like to only keep the chicks sired by him that *will* lay green if they aren't Roos.

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