Cream Legbar Hybrid Thread

CL x New Hampshire Red chicks hatched this morning! Waiting to see if the sole remaining CL egg hatches, plus a couple of Guinea eggs. Got our fingers crossed.
My chocolate gold Legbars are now almost 5 1/2 months old, the male is sweet and mellow but the hen is super skittish. They're just starting to grow in their adult feathers


Some Cream Legbar x EE and CL x Leghorn crosses. The first pic shows a lil CL/EE roo and i think its neat the colors coming in his chest, the CL roos are proving to be very colorful the more they grow. Also awhile back i was going to post pics of black EE x Legbar but ended up making only straight EE. Most of the crosses are brown with spots of white and sometimes orange, but ive gotten a few lately of the whitish grey spotty ones with crests like the 3rd pic that are very pretty. Its been alot of fun, and will continue so, creating Legbar crosses.

This guy here is turning out very pretty, most of the boys of the more recent Legbar crosses have pea combs and darker legs though so must have EE moms while this one maybe a brown Leghorn mom not sure...Ive only been hatching blue or white eggs
Edited to add: Actually i think he came from the one red hen i have that lays blue eggs (i watched her or wouldnt believe it lol) x Legbar roo of course
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Some Cream Legbar x EE and CL x Leghorn crosses. The first pic shows a lil CL/EE roo and i think its neat the colors coming in his chest, the CL roos are proving to be very colorful the more they grow. Also awhile back i was going to post pics of black EE x Legbar but ended up making only straight EE. Most of the crosses are brown with spots of white and sometimes orange, but ive gotten a few lately of the whitish grey spotty ones with crests like the 3rd pic that are very pretty. Its been alot of fun, and will continue so, creating Legbar crosses.

The pullet in the second to last pic is beautiful!

Thanks:) I call her color apricot lol....but I posted her before and someone said dilute something. Plus if I knew her exact cross I could make more.

Looks like dominant white to me (like the rooster above). If you breed her with a pure CL rooster their babies have a 50% chance of looking like that

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