Cream Legbars

This looks a little bit like my chick that I was wondering about (from Meyer/MPC). She is now 17 weeks and is pretty clearly a pullet now. But I had decided not to breed from her (at least for CLs, could use her for olive eggers), because of the question of her auto sexing clarity. - Ant Farm
She is gorgeous!!! I can't wait until my 3 are that size!
It is common for the JR line to be less distinct than some of the other lines out there. In my limited experience with the JR chicks, so far I have noticed that the females will have the female pattern but there are breaks in the line from head to back and they sometimes are a little less defined having a slight fuzzy look to the V and the head/neck stripe. Again my JR experience is very small and limited. Seeing the new pictures and then comparing them to my own JR chick pictures I am now more inclined to say she is indeed a pullet. Though sometimes chicks that are less defined can fool us. @angelathomas1 do you know if your chicks are Jill Rees line or other? Here is one of my JR pullet chicks that looks similar to the chick we are referring to that also had the break in the strip at the neck
I'm not sure her line. I had been trying to order chicks from Lancaster Fancy Fowl with no success, finally the owner called me. The hatchery has just been sold & they are in the process of changing hands. He just happened to have 5 pullets so I drove up yesterday and picked them up. He actually wasn't even there, so I couldn't ask questions. I am new to chickens (1st batch is now 24 weeks old) so I hadn't planned on breeding. I just think they are beautiful and wanted to add them to my mixed flock. Now, I'm just looking for a Cream Legbar Roo and my flock of 31 will be complete until someday when we build a new coop. If little "Grace" turns out to be a "he" I will not be disappointed. I'm just excited to have 3 Cream Legbars in my flock. He also had one Blue Double Laced Barnevelder that he was willing to sell me that I'm pretty excited about, so all in all the 6 hour trip was worth it.
I'm not sure her line. I had been trying to order chicks from Lancaster Fancy Fowl with no success, finally the owner called me. The hatchery has just been sold & they are in the process of changing hands. He just happened to have 5 pullets so I drove up yesterday and picked them up.

He actually wasn't even there, so I couldn't ask questions.

I am new to chickens (1st batch is now 24 weeks old) so I hadn't planned on breeding. I just think they are beautiful and wanted to add them to my mixed flock. Now, I'm just looking for a Cream Legbar Roo and my flock of 31 will be complete until someday when we build a new coop.

If little "Grace" turns out to be a "he" I will not be disappointed. I'm just excited to have 3 Cream Legbars in my flock.

He also had one Blue Double Laced Barnevelder that he was willing to sell me that I'm pretty excited about, so all in all the 6 hour trip was worth it.
If you look on the Cream Legbar Club website there is a membership directory, you may be able to locate some one close to you that might be able to help you out with a male. I wish you luck.

If you were closer I would give you a cockerel but that would be quite a trip lol.
Do you have pictures to share of your "yellow down" pullets and cockerels?

I tried to post some down pics, and just as I finished the text…poof!

I'll try again later...

No internet on the farm which is good in most cases, but here is the poullet. They're both really friendly and the color is a slim minority of the flock, so the are the ones I have gotten to know best consequently. Here she is:
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No internet on the farm which is good in most cases, but here is the poullet. They're both really friendly and the color is a slim minority of the flock, so the are the ones I have gotten to know best consequently. Here she is:
This looks like a cockerel, not a pullet. Males are gray and white barred females look different.
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Do you have a picture of that chick as a day old? I remember you said you have lots of chicks so it might be hard to go back and remember who was who.

He is definitely a cockerel though :)

This one was kept in a smaller brooder with some of my favs. She/he is the yellow one in the white bowl. I tried to upload the video I made when they arrived but couldn't so this shot is captured out of the video.

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She is gorgeous!!! I can't wait until my 3 are that size!

She's a real personality, too. Big mouth on her (I even thought she might be crowing at 4 weeks - but really she was just raising h-e-double-hockey-sticks because I had taken one of her brooder mates out to cuddle).

The other day I came home early to meet the fencing guy, and we were in the way back of the property (maybe about 300 feet from the coop, in a stand of trees) when I started to hear this LOUD chicken sound (bwak-bwak-bwa-GAAK!), which I had never heard before from my girls. I turned to the fence guy and said "Do you think that's my chickens?!" He agreed yes, and I went running back to the coop. With the racket they were making, it sounded like something was ripping its way into their coop, and probably attacking them. I finally get there, and Paula is just standing at the end of the run on her little chicken tippy-toes, breast fully stuck out and right up against the wire, staring at me accusingly. She was apparently SCOLDING me for walking right past the coop when I came home and not paying attention to her. At full volume. I think the guinea next door has been a bad influence on her...

You know... I actually may be looking for a nice little CCL cockerel... (Not sure he could be any louder than Paula.) ChicKat, how far are you from San Antonio? Any little boy chicks on their way?

- Ant Farm

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