crested polish pictures

Tell me about it I have a 14 yr old and 12 yr old. Both boys and smarter than me (they think)! My two yr old twin boys are a handful by themselves. I told my husband toddlers and teenagers don't mix well, both are high maintance. Does your family have boys this age that play sports? that is pretty much the only people I know here. I just moved here two and a half years ago. Since then it has been football, basketball, wrestling , track and baseball all of the time.

by the way if you figure out how to get them to keep their mouths shut let me know!
This is Beaker, my 5 month old White Crested Black Polish Girl, she is a sweety, and can be very shy around everyone but me.



*cough* ??? *cough I'm 13 cough cough* Does anybody know how to get parents to be REASONABLE or semi-intelligent for once?

edit: (I'm kidding.)

For some reason, seeing a Polish always makes me chuckle. They look so funny, yet at the same time ridiculously cute.
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Hahaha. Humans are so silly :p

I had a pair of polish once... for me they were problematic.... and then got eaten by a hawk. Their crests were so huge they just couldn't live the free life out with the other hens... and my roo got picked really bad because he couldn't see to get out of the way. Good luck with yours! I find they are more work than other chickens.
My Polish can be a little nervous but they are friendly and easy to catch. I have WCBlacks or Blues.

These are two blue chicks and one black.

These are two blue adult hens.

A few more baby pictures can be found on My Page.
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The only time they look rather ratty is when it is raining and they are outside grubbing around. Dirt and the rain makes their crests look pretty sad, but they dry out fine.

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