Crochet "Chat"

Holy Cow
I guess a few of us have double triple posted !!!!

Geesh Risurocket you got us all beat

Skand I dont remember. I think it was usually right after I raised my voice just a little bit too loud and they must a been scared.

Gees that sounds aweful. I cant think of why exactly. I think It was "I GOTTA GO IN TIME OUT!!!!!" I think thats what did it.
And we have wet slop!!! Not one flake ;( booooo hoooo!!!!
Have to go to work today, was hoping for a snow day too, oh well. Have fun LC..lucky duck!!

at my house it was always "go somewhere" "where Mommy"...."anywhere but HERE"....even the dogs run out from under my feet when they hear "go somewhere"!! I was always scared to do the drinkin thing with them around..although I thougth about it alot!! I was afraid they would go do something stupid (-er) and get hurt and I would be to drunk to drive them anywhere for help!! The things we sacrifice to be parents, lol!!!! Course leaving them with Jim would free you up to have some alone time, lol!

CONGRATS Karan!!! Your snow chicken made the pic of the week!!! AWESOME!!!
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tiki244 - Anyone who gets a homemade afghan should cherish it forever... theres alot of
and hard work that go into making them!

I'm sure your granddaughter is going to
it... cause you made it.
wrong kind of rodeo, but I like that kind too. The lineman's rodeo is a bunch of pole jockeys like my DH they have competitions on things like speed climbing and hurt man rescue(where they rescue a dummy off the pole) the speed climb is fun to watch some of those guys and gals are really fast. In his younger days DH used to be pretty fast up the pole.
We didn't get any of the snow they called for here. Suppose to warm up!

I'm really debating the duck thing now. I want them but I don't know if I really have a "duck" setup. Maybe a couple bantam chicks would be a better idea.


Congrats Karan on snow chicken making pic of the week.

Back to reality today. I did have a great bday this year! Hubby actually did some laundry yesterday when I was gone.
*welcome* Ra! Settle in and cozy up with your hooks for some good chatting.

*blush* sorry gang, I couldn't figure out what was going on with the posting and so I kept trying to post. At least we have excellent mods who cleaned it all up by today.

No news right now. Hope everyone has a great day!

Queen, an announcement??? LOL Did someone catch a baby bug in your neck of the woods too???
(I'll PM you in case you missed my announcement) Hope that your announcement has good things to do with your house and I hope you daughter is doing better!
It is so pretty here today! We got about 7-8 inches of snow!! And it's a wet snow, so it stuck to EVERYTHING!!! I've taken some pics, and will get them posted when I find the cable to connect the camera to the computer.
SE, I'm sorry you didn't share in the weather. Yesterday after church, it looked like all we were going to get was slush. It sleeted and iced just enough to cause lots of accidents - we saw six on the way home from church! Then it turned back to rain, so I really thought we'd not get anything else. It didn't start really snowing until after 10 last night. Now, along with all this bright white snow, we have clear NC blue skies! The Charlotte weatherman called it "severe clear".
Queen, we'll all be sitting on the edge of our seats all week now! And do you know how many hours we'll spend
just waiting to get the news??

Ra and anyone else I've missed in the past few days! We are so glad you are here. And we really hope you stick around!! We are just a bunch of hens, with one or two roosters thrown in for good measure!
Welcome Ra, as one of the "Roosters" on this thread join on in, chat away, that is if you can get a word in edgewise, some of the "hens" on here can be quite chatty!

We have a lot of fun joking and kidding with each other.

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