Crochet "Chat"

I already offered ya pecans ya squirrel nut! You told me no.. or was it that you'd talk to Mark.. lol
Either way, Jim already has ours boxed and ready for the head up north! For a guy that says he doesnt like them, she sure has a big box full!! That, or he wants me to keep my mouth shut when we get to Maine, telling him how good a fresh homemade pecan pie would taste, if I only had a pecan tree... lol
Only time I crave buttermilk or pecan pies is when we no longer are in Texas!

any extra pecans can come my way too!! Wouldn't mind a few walnuts either, as long as I don't have to clean the nasty things!

Way to go lovemychix!

Skand loooks goood!!
wow the board went a little wacko..I think there are about 4 of Ris' posts....and in different places!

Or maybe that's just me and I am getting tired

well Skand I was going to mess with ya about just puttin' a shipping label on those pecan's and sending them to me, but with the day you've have I'll pass


Yep, the board did go a little wacko there for a minute! Not just you Okie!!

Boy, you all have been busy typing up a storm today! I spent the day up in the wine country (Sonoma/Napa area) with my Garden Club! We went to an olive curing class. Then to a nice lunch, etc... FUN!

Skand, I can totally relate to the bratty kid thing.
Right this very minute, my oldest DD is telling the younger DD not to lick the table. huh, don't lick the table??? Now they are yelling at each other.
Now DH is asking DD#2 why she is licking the table.
I am almost scared to post on here in fear of it being posted 5 times like it did to some others on here. Weird.....

Today's snow was very helpful for me. My chickens have never layed over 18 eggs in one day but today since they were all stuck in the house (their choice) with nothing else better to do I got 20 eggs. Even got a green one. That does not happen very often.
Oh forgot to mention. Got a call to work tomorrow with all the roads iced over from the melted snow that will later refreeze tonight. Going to sneak my Bro. out on the route to drive for me. Going to have to get out at every mail box and walk to the box to put the mail in. Going to be fun with 623 boxes. Just thought I would mention this for anyone that thinks they hate Mondays and might be having a bad day. Think of me, can't be any worse than walking in snow all day.

Ok, thats my vent. At least I have a job. Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.
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I like to do that too. Have my yarn all ready and when commerical is on I hook it up. I get a lot done. I got a new pattern for camo boots and hat for the new baby boys in the family. I did one cowboy boot and that was enough for me. They are pretty tough. I will do the other one when I have more patience.
I bought a a few things of yarn today but not too much. No big sales. I had to go to Michaels and they don't have what Hobby Lobby has.
But hobby lobby is closed on Sunday. I missed church to go to the casino.
Maybe you can pray for me and my sin.
Or maybe I will just help out for youth night to make up for it. But I'm buying baby ducks with my winnings.
I think I'm ok!
Hey, SE, guess what??? It's really snowing here!! In the past two hours, we've had thunder snow & sideways snow. Looked like an NC blizzard!!! They are calling for 4-7 inches here, but I'm pretty sure we already have 5 inches, and it's not supposed to stop before 6. No school tomorrow for anyone around here!
Guess what I'll be doing??? Making snow cream & stitching!!!
LC, maybe you did get our snow like you said earlier to send it your way. Always cool when you get a day out of school. My mother is a teacher and will have tomorrow off too.

Going to bed now. Goodnight everyone!
Yes, they are messier than Chickens,
They always dirty their water,
they poop watery,
and they love to play in the mud.
They love to bury their eggs in deepest part of their nests.
And they won't come up from the pond at dusk when ya try to get them out
They are soo pretty, I love to watch them waddle through the grass, mud, or snow
They are soo funny with their tails popping up out of the water when they are at the pond. I LOVE MY DUCKS


Let me know what kind

Alert Scrambled Egg and Lutheranchick sounds like you will be getting snow!!!!

I picked out three pretty pink colors to make one of my granddaughter's an afghan for her BirthDay and I called her mother. I was so excited! Got 4 squares done. Well my daughter says 'O she dont like pink nomore.' This is what I say
You think she would cherish it her whole life because grandma made it!

So my daughter says 'go to Walmart and look at this fuzzy blue blanket in Idk what part of Wally world, thats the color she likes.'
Geesh I will just go get some blue that I like and she better be happy with it or I dont give a rats whoot!

Ungrateful little twirps!
Long story about my daughter and me,,,,,,,,,, End rant!

Thanks for listening

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