Crochet "Chat"

Wooo Fr. Chuck, you will definitely have to come in your boots and hat, um and the rest of the outfit too of course.
But I bet you will have to keep us all corralled!

Mmm pecans. Any extras can be sent to me and Okiemommy!

So glad to hear your chickens eat snow, Algo, because that means they like it! Any other rare snow storms will give them "treats" of snow cones. Mine love it when I come in from their run with snow on my boots. They will clean my boots in 2 minutes flat.

I totally lost my train of thought. Oh well....
to all!
I already offered ya pecans ya squirrel nut! You told me no.. or was it that you'd talk to Mark.. lol
Either way, Jim already has ours boxed and ready for the head up north! For a guy that says he doesnt like them, she sure has a big box full!! That, or he wants me to keep my mouth shut when we get to Maine, telling him how good a fresh homemade pecan pie would taste, if I only had a pecan tree... lol
Only time I crave buttermilk or pecan pies is when we no longer are in Texas!
Honestly right at this moment, pecans don't sound too good...definitely not what I am craving right now, which is closer to seasoned french fries in a big heaping pile. This little squirrel-to-be is a junkfood advocate right now.

I don't remember anything about the pecans, sorry. Maybe I was getting them mixed up with black walnuts at the time, which we were trying to identify out in our yard. Sorry about the mix up! I think I would have said yes if I hadn't thought they were black walnuts.
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Hi country! Glad to have ya!

And I'm doing the

I was down $30 and was so not happy and I saw a 5 cent machine with chickens on it and I had to play it and guess what..... got into the bonus and it gave me $120.
Then I lost another $20 and at the last minute I played a tobasco hot sauce one and got into a bonus again and won $107 and then another $50. So with my $200+ winnings I'm going to build me a duck house.
I have to say this is the best bday ever! Hubby never said any thing about not having ducks.
I only want 2....but we know how that goes don't we.
I think we are getting ducks with my winnings!!!!!!
I'm so excited ....but I don't know anything about ducks. I will learn!
Karan you have ducks. Am I insane or what? My uncle said they are messy but I can't see them being worse than my chickens.
hahaha I told ya to do the nickel slots!!! yayy!!!


here is what I've been kinda working on for a kid at church. His birthday is around Easter, so hopefully I can have it done before he's outgrown it!
I just have to finish his two sister's blankets now.. plus my squares, and my quilt blocks.. craftieness.. dont fail me now!

Risu, I got a fryer, and a big ole bag of seasoned curly fries in the freezer, head down here now, I'll have em ready for ya, and afterwards, we can go to the Celtic faire!!! Promise to have ya back in time to tell DD!
Thank you Tiki! I worked on it today to keep my hands and brain busy before I went in and killed two little girls who were supposed to be taking naps and/or being quiet.
Mommy has had a terrible day!!! I've had to run back and forth, pack up, load up, wash this, dry that, organize these, put those down. get this, take that.. on and on and on.. lol
And those precious demon spawns.. up my a&@ all day, whining crying, gripin and complainin.. oooo and WHINING!!! fussing, fighting, arguing, yelling, screamin, hitting, kicking.. OOO I AM AT MY LIMIT! As I told them, showers! Bed! I am DONE with it!!

So here I sit, them finally learning to back off when Momma's like this... drinkin my drinkie.. puttin a lil captain in me.. hehehe
country lady

Yes my chickens like snow,,,kinda cute.. Mine love snow,,,to eat.

The $50 are the cheapest you can get unless you want to build one, which I wouldnt recomend. You dont need a turner, you can do that yourself 3 times a day. You will need a good thermometer and Hygrometer combo which can be got at Walmart for about $12. There are a lot of other things too. Like keeping the incubator in a place with a stable temp. and probably try to hatch some practice eggs out first.

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