Crochet "Chat"

oh yeah on the party bus thing Purr. That made me laugh out loud

I am going to go to my friends wedding in August and she is having her bachelorette party in July. Weeeell that's around the time I am due. Her maid of honor called me and asked if I want to come to the bachelorette party. I said I will try to come. She's a really good friend from high school. Then she said they are renting a party bus.

Imagine me 9 months pregnant bar hopping on a party bus.
I told her I would let her know

ANd you found the peeeeeeeeeeeepsss!!!

Oh LC can you figure the bunnies out please please please please?!?! LOL
Okie - from the picture, it looks like she just made two of the flat bunnies & joined them together somehow. I really think, though, they can be made like a traditional ami. The one I've GOT to make is the one with the ear nibbled off. My friend, Susan, keeps the bunnies in her desk drawer. When someone ticks her off, she pulls one out, names it after the offender, and bites it's ears off. Then she turns it around and chews on it's little butt for awhile. The teachers at her school don't mess with her much!
I'm not an ami expert, by any means. Until now, I've only made blue "chicks" (remind me to post a pic when I get home!) but they are SO easy!!! Not nearly as complicated as I thought they were! I will play with the pattern this weekend & let you know what I find.
Oh, ya'll remember that we had Monday & Tuesday off for snow? Well they announced the make-up days. The first one is... tomorrow (Saturday)
. Luckily, though, we only have to be here for 1/2 day so it won't be too bad. 8 - 12, and I get paid for the whole day. Guess I can live with that.
Jacie, I can't wait to get home & see your afghan pics. For whatever reason, I can't get pics from BYC here at school. Maybe that's a hint that I should be working on WORK instead of chatting, huh?
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OH! I forgot to compliment Jacie on her afghan!!

I was thinkin' it I just forgot to post it!

Anyway it is very beautiful!! Is that the pineapple stitch? It resembles it. I love the lacy frilly crochet

ETA: LOL LC I just don't know if I would be able to make anything like that without a pattern. I can barely do SE's afghan that she's making. It's not her fault I just have to have a detailed pattern. For some reason I just can't fill in the blanks without her ^_^ Scraaaaa-aaambled!! ^_^
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Thank you for all the warm welcomes!

Thank you again for all PEEPS LINKS!!!!!! Gonna have to give 'er a go! Yes, yes, I have orders to fill and WUA blocks to finish, but come on, these are Peeps we're talkin' about!

Here's the original pic that made me want to make some.

Oh Theresa those are sooo adorable!!!


My family loves marshmallow peeps. It's some kind of strange addiction for us. Last year I saw the peeps on clearance at Toys R Us. We bought a pink bunny and a yellow chick.
Hi, all! Day off today so I finally get a chance to settle in and catch up on all the posts. DH and I feel like we're camping. We've been out of propane for 3 nights now and they won't be here until Sunday to fill us up. Well, they could come out earlier for an extra $160. Can't use our heater, stove, or dryer. So we're bundled up like we're outside, I'm using the crockpot more this week, and clothes are taking a long time to dry on the drying racks. But I think we can rough it another 2 days.
I know there are lots of people much worse off. The afghan I'm working on for DH is keeping my legs warm anyway!
Did ya know they make Pillows that are Peeps too They are soo Cute also. I believe it was it an LTD catalog..

big_smile Karan


why must you tempt me so?
Skand and Scoot- hope yall can come back soon. Like everyone else said, just not the same without you. Will miss you lots.

Okie remember last night when I said I lost all my hooks then later found more in my yarn tub? Today I opened my bag where I put those hooks last night and they were gone. I took my bag with me today when I left for work so I could work on them afterwards and my hooks were gone again. I knew Isaac didn't do it and then I discovered a small hole in the corner of the little pocket in my bag. The hooks have been falling behind the lining of the bag all this time and Isaac was innocent. Well, not completly innocent cuz I saw him run off with my blue and violet colored ones but not my 2 dark purple ones that were in the bag.
Mystery solved.
YAY Algo!!! I'm glad the mystery was solved!!
I think I forgot to comment on that post and I meant to b/c it made me laugh. I sooo understand.
I'm the one that lost my hook too. (well you didn't lose your hook technically, it was the bag's fault!) I thought it was highly possible that I lost it in the couch, but wasn't sure...AND I got down there and looked for it!! (But that doesn't mean a dang thing lol ) I don't know where dh found it, but he did.
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