Crochet "Chat"

Bunny babies for Chuck!!!!
How sweet!!!!!!

Maw, you crack me up!! They must have such a sense of humor in Wister!!! Sassy Sidewinders and POOP!! Hilarious!!! Have fun!!!

If the baby squirrel is wishing Travis luck, he should be fine tonight, lol!!! His car always seems to work the best on hot, dry tracks and it's to be 90 degrees today!!! He was fast enough last week for a second place finish, we ended up 4th but hopefully he will get back in the winning groove tonight..winning is sooooo much better than not!!! Yesterday was his birthday too, he was 19, so it would be a nice birthday present for him also

Chuck, year before last I bought seeds that I thought were cucumber..said so on the package, planted them and 18 plants came up, when they started growing and taking over half my yard my husband laughed and said those are gourds..sure enough. they were! I have a bunch of them that have dried out in my shed. When I get around to it I'll paint on year I spent months painting on gourds and gave several for Christmas gifts, they make really nice gifts. I painted some like cats, those seemed to be the favorites! Good luck with that!!!

Hope the greenhouse is ready for opening soon Karan, I bet ya'll will sell out soooo fast!! My tomato plants have yellow flowers on them already, yeah!!!! Having no luck with my cucumber though, dont seem to want to grow yet, maybe they are making roots and not ready to get taller yet?

Hey, did I tell ya'll I had a HUGE barn owl in my yard this week? Flipped me out, about 15" tall sitting on my birdhouse pole, silent as a mouse with a wing span of over 3 feet. He was incredible, an awesome sight, I was totally awed, jaw dropped even, gorgeous creature. Not sure is he heard my chickens (they are secure in their pen) or if he was fishing in my pond (still have the fishing line criss-crossed to prevent the crane from eating my fish) or if he was just eating rats..of which I haven't seen evidence of a single one in a month!!!!
So I don't mind if he comes back at all, he sure was beautiful, really dark brown and black in color and when those wings flapped it was like "wosh, wosh" big slow flaps, the talons were enormous, glad I had my chunky dog with me and not my skinny rat sized puppy!! The dog saw him way before I did and her barking is what made him fly to the neighbor's tree. It's pure wild kingdom the middle of the dang city!!!!

Have a super, incredible, awesome day everyone!!!!...and get your crochet shapes done too!!! Almost on the deadline!!!!
I'm glad someone heard from Sk.

I've been super busy. Can't seem to get everything done that I want to. Yard is coming along nicely. Getting flower beds all done. (Fixing what the chickens did)
They are in chicken jail for the rest of the summer.
I don't like it but I want veggies this year.
I'm starting to get a farmer tan.

Going to make 2 more diapers today and 12 saddles.

Hubby is going to work on my "rabbit hutch" turned chicken tractor for my pecked polish.
That rooster booster I ordered didn't help. I think they like it.
I'm glad DB is getting his hair back.
Karan: That pic of DB looked just like Polish Friend when she rode the 4 wheeler the other day with me.
Looks like he's getting all the attention and love he deserves. And both of my polish roos have horns. But I love the little devils.

SE: Those owls are beautiful. We love to go down to the river bottom and watch the birds. We see a lot of Bald Eagles too. Amazing.

We'll off to do some work.
Then if the sun comes out I'm going to plant my flowers.
Wow, SE, that owl must have been awesome! We came home one night and found a small screech owl perched in a tree right beside the driveway. That was the first time I've ever seen an owl of any size "up close & personal" and it really excited me!
Can't believe you already have tomato plants blooming!! Guess I'm going to have to take a trip to Fayetteville soon, huh?
Good luck with the race today. It is going to be a BEAUTIFUL NC day today, apparently all over the state! Does Travis ever race outside of Fayetteville? If he ever comes to the Hickory racetrack, please let me know! I'd love to come sit & help cheer him on!!
I hope to be able to chat more coming up soon. It's been a very hectic month or so, and I've only really had time to lurk. Today's about as bad, I've got a meeting from 9 - 1. And I just checked the time, 8:02. Oh shoot, I better get off here & get dressed. See ya'll later!
Rained here and there today Risu. Bummer. Got a few things done in the yard when it wasn't downpour. Put my car out for a free wash.

I'm getting away tomorrow. All my my lonesome.
Hubby asked why don't I ask someone to go with.
I said alone. I like being alone. I never get alone.
Me and my thoughts alone. No one to interupt me or want to leave someplace I want to go. For instance: Craft store>>>>> when are we going? Are you done yet? ect....
Getting to go shopping for kids clothes without kids hollering. I don't need anything. I got enough from last year. Haven't grown that much....just a little.
I was actually surprised the shorts still fit after my winter of feasting.
4 or 5 lbs. that's all.
Hopefully that will leave soon with all the summer work ahead of me.
I will probably have to stop at the casino.
I won last time.
I know my limits. I take $20 and if I win a few bucks I leave and go the yarn store.
Last time Sk told me to play the nickels and I won over a hundred. I wish she was here to tell me this time.
I miss you Sk.
chix, that sounds like an awesome day indeed! I am learning the value of solitude as well

SE, I hope Travis does good at the races!!

Good to hear from Chuck!!

And Karan it's good to see that DB's Hair is coming back

LC I know what you mean girl, I'm in the same boat with you. Maybe we could paddle our way back to the computer together

Ris, good luck on the Diabetes stuff too!! I hope you don't get it again! It sounds like you are responsibly managing it though.

Good to hear from SK!!

If I forgot anyone, I'm sorry!! But I loves ya's!!

I got the results from the sugar test, and a normal sugar level is 110. Dr's don't want it to be over 120. My reading was 166.

I am scheduled for a more accurate 3 hour fasting test at the end of this month. I'll give an update of what the results are when I get them.

We think that I had gestational Diabetes when I had DD because my levels were elevated when I took the 3 hour fasting test, but not enough to cause concern to the Dr I guess. I didn't really care for that Dr. though and that's a long story within itself. Let's just say that per divine intervention, she didn't deliver my DD. Anyway my DD was 9 lbs 15 oz and she was a week early. So it's quite possible that I have gestational Diabetes again, if I had it then.
I don't know if I had it when I was pregnant with the Twins, but pre-term labor, and keeping the babies in as long as possible were pretty much all our main concern at the time, so I'm not even sure if they looked at my sugar levels then. But I will say that the boys were HUGE for their gestational age, and I was HUGE as well. We'll leave it at that

I also (possibly, depending on if I have Gestational Diabetes or not) have a choice in the kind of delivery I will have. I delivered the first two "regularly" and the twins were born c-Section. Since I delivered the first two "regularly" the first time, I am a good candidate for VBAC.....that is if I don't have gestational diabetes.

This presents a dilemma for me, because I have no idea what delivery method to pick. They both come with risks, but I just don't know enough about the risks with VBAC...I've already been through a c-section so I know what that's like. I've already been through a "reg" birth as well, but not one after a C-section. It would be "easier" to pick c-section due to me being familiar with it, but not easier in terms of recovery. The main risk, albeit a very small percentage of one, is uterine rupture, which could cause death to me or the baby. The thing is the risk is 1% or less.

I just can't decide. Maybe my sugar levels will decide for me at the end of the month.
Don't take the uterine rupture risk Okie...sure bet only, you aren't holding any aces up your sleeve here, there isn't a back up the safe thing, lives are at stake..we love you and want you to return healthy and whole and the same with gambling, sure bet ONLY kiddo!! That's an order!!!

Well on the bright side, the race was sooooooo much less aggresive and rough as usual, they are finally settling down and racing normal, and of course bumping and shoving and some hitting and scrubbing by is normal of course and that always goes on, but there wasonly one caution in the race last night and that someone that spun their self out so the car is totally intact this week, yay!!! On the other hand all top 5 cars were under each others door panels in the turns that's how close they all were the last 3 laps, any 5 could have won the race and it wasn't Travis, he finished 5th, good race though, he's very smooth and driving the new car like a pro, he'll be winning races any week now, the potential is already there with the kid and the car so we are pretty pleased with the season so far. Thanks as always for the interest!

It was sooooo hot yesterday and will be today too, we could use a bit of the rain Chix and Rocket got!! I miss Skand too, glad when she becomes a Mainer and is back on the computer again!!
Okie, in the same dilemma as you, but I had a c-section with the first one, and my first doctor was encouraging one for this baby as well...I don't think she had very much confidence for me doing VBAC. I am ok with either, but I will do the c-section again, and I am praying that my new doc which I see in a couple of weeks will be ok with the fact that I want a c-section again. Because unless they can assure me that the baby and I will be completely safe, I don't want to risk any ruptures of anything, small risk or not. Good luck!

Gonna be rainy here for the next week or more. I will do my best to send the rain fairies to all of you who need it. We could use some sun. This kind of rainy stormy weather wrecks havoc with my allergies. Ugh...

Enjoy everyone, at least it seems to be staying warmer now. *knock on wood*
The tornado fairies are supposed to be coming our way today

There is supposed to be a moderate risk for a tornado outbreak. That is if it warms up significantly enough today, so we shall see. I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year.

Your point of view makes sense SE. There are still risks for c-section though. I'm sure that they right decision will come to me

I can't decide!!!
Both of my dd's had gestational diabetes.

Keep safe Okie! We are in the way of severe weather, but no tornadoes.

Welcome back Chuck!
Hi Maw!

Glad skand checked in with someone.

We put in some tomaters & cukes a couple days ago. Hubby got one of them Topsy Turvey things to try.

Went to the casino Friday night with my sister for her birthday. Won $100.00, well thats what I walked out with actualy won more, but played on it. It was fun.

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