Crochet "Chat"

Hope the weather is being kind to all our friends west? How did Travis do? Watched a spectacular wreck on Nascar yesterday, did any of you see it? God is with the drivers now isn't He? Make it a good week, all.


Missed this the other day Carrie, that was Carl Edwards and his mother must have had a stroke over that wreck! Luckily he was ok but about 8 people in the stands were hurt, one woman had a broken jaw from the debris off the car..alot of lucky people that day. Travis finished 5th with all the top 5 cars in a bunch together. Any one of them could have won the race, only one caution, good racing and a nail biter at the end, fans love that kind of racing when the winner could be one of any coming through the last turn at one time! His first win in the car is any weekend now, he is very smooth in it and he says it much easier to drive this late model than the open wheel he was in last year, so thanks for aasking and keep your fingers crossed, looks rainy this weekend coming though.

Hey ya'll....everyone in the shape swap..FRIDAY is MAY 1st...shape deadline....please be finishing and sending them in!!! I think I only have 4 or 5 sets in already so crank 'em out ya'll!!!

Hope all the pregnant hookers feel good today and everyone else..get to hookin ladies and Gent!!!
Darlene, I sure wished we lived closer to you all, we would be there watching Travis in person. Dh loves Carl Edwards ...among his favs. LOL
I really feel for those of you preggy gals. I am soooo glad I am past all that. LOL
Looks like we will be having some stormy weather every day for about a week coming up
Good thing we did get some plants in during our weather break! Have a great day all!!
Cloudy day and a good one to take it easy.

Baby and I are doing ok. Just need a rest day. Thanks all for the well wishes.
gonna get some hooking done while watching the "interwebs".

Good luck wishes to Travis! Hope the rain holds off for you!


That would be so awesome!!!!!

Rocket...I never saw you take my picture!!!

Reminder...granny square swap items DUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're talking the smilie cheerleaders right

Hey, ya'll, that's called CRS (in case its a southern thing, that is Can't Remember S***) - and you get it when you are as old as me. And today is the 10th anniversary of my 39th birthday, so that's pretty darn old!!
Everyone have a wonderful day! Oh, and, SE, I'll have that box in tomorrow's mail. I took your advice and combined some of the smaller shapes in one bag, so some bags have one and some have more. Just had to wait for payday (today!!!!!) to mail it!
Holy cow, Okie! How can you be so active and be that pregnant? wink I am barely 16 weeks and I am like a big slug most of the time. I am starting to get some energy back, but it's slow going. hmm

LOL I wasn't so active during my first trimester because of the exhaustion you experience during it. Thank God my schedule wasn't this demanding then either!! We have just started this schedule about 3 weeks ago.

Pretty soon it should slow down a little too since the kids will be getting out of school. Then the baby comes
Then we start back up

You just take care Risu

My DH showed me that video of Carl Edwards crash on the internet. From the first angle the crash wasn't as awful looking, but from a couple of other different angles it was horrendous. I am glad he lived, though I have seen them live through ones worse than even that.And he got out and ran to the finish line!
Isn't Carl Edwards married? I bet his wife was twisted up in knots too
I still can't believe Dale Sr. died in the one he died in.

We used to follow Nascar when we only had two kiddo's but it just became too hard to keep up with when the twins came.​
Yeah I posted in the swap thread too but my post that was saposed to be in here went something like this:

My motum (sp) died on my puter last Sat. so I am just now able to get back on here and catch up with all the reading.

My mama hen and 3 baby buffs are still doing real good. Still no pictures cuz I lost my cam. till yesterday afternoon. It was under the couch cuz my lil one likes to play with it.

Been real busy with my honey bees. They are fun and interesting. The other day I felt a bee crawling up my pants leg. She went all the way up to my thigh. I was freaking out. My bro was with me and I was like
" Josh!!! there is a bee going up my leg!! What do I do?!!" He said well ya going to get stung sooner or later might as well be now and ya might want to stop her befor she gets any higher up your leg. Better on your leg than the next place she would get to.
I couldn't move. Kept waiting for the sting but she turned around and crawled back down and came out at my shoe. I dodged that one for now anyway.
Thanks, Okie!

Algo, you might want to think about getting some long shoestrings to tie your pants legs shut when you are working with the bees. My brother-in-law is allergic, but worked with bees anyway until about 3 years ago. That's what he did, and never did get stung!

edit: Quick question, everyone... Someone made a "friends" request to me on Facebook, and I don't recognize the name. Anyone here "Angela Fenner"??
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