Crochet "Chat"

Happy Birthday LC!

2 more inches of rain last night.
Stray dog hanging out at my house and won't leave. Cute nice puppy but I'm not much of a dog person and all I can think of is dog poop.
And stepping in it.
He must belong to someone because he is really friendly and well fed. I hope his owners come and find him. I called city hall and reported he was here if someone calls.
Sun is shining now. Hopefully it dries up the yard a little. My chicken run is a swamp. And my chickens are drinking the ucky water in the run.
They have clean water inside the coop. Crazy chickens.
Have a great day!
Some friends and family have asked me about my crocheting and when was I going to start making and selling stuff to them. So I've been thinking about it for acouple of months and it would be a nice way to make alittle extra cash.... So how do you guys (if any) go about pricing your stuff. I havent got a clue, going to try to look up other peoples stuff to see. Any suggestions would be helpful, Thanks
Gwen, I can't believe you have nothing to do??? LOL
Jen, my dh keeps telling me the same thing about my crocheting. I just finished a table runner for our dining room table and he wants me to make and sell them plus the other things I have been making. He says it will help on the poultry feed bill. I looked up some runners and for what I have in them it doesn't seem like you would even get paid min. for the time spent let alone the yarn??
Happy Birthday L.C. By the way, Jen, that is some H.B. pic.

I think Elizabeth's posting got lost.
Hope that puppy owner shows up for chix
Hello, all.

I don't get much time anymore to jump on BYC.
Work's been keeping me hopping, I've got the last physical therapy appointment for my shoulder tomorrow (Hooray!) and it's that busy time of year where there's new chicks, new kittens
, a garden to plant, grass to mow, you know.

Been having some anxiety issues, why now, after all we went through with our son, I'll never know, but hopefully they'll back off soon.

My shoulder is SO much better after a few weeks of physical therapy. I'm working on a blanket for my MIL, they're moving back down South, so it's kind of a going away present. It's called a Triple Irish Rose and is worked in the center of a grannie square. I'll post picture when I get it all done.

9 Welsummer eggs in the 'bator. Sunday at 3 pm marks 21 days, so keep your fingers crossed.



Wow everyone has been busy. That's good you can be busy for me too. Hey, FrChuck, you busy too? Hope things are ok for ya.

LMC, you and me both have the swampy run and yeah, what's with the chickens drinking mud water??? bleh...

Algo, Glad to hear that bee just wanted to go on a walkabout and didn't freak out and sting you. Sounds like you have some nice bees.


Kay! Hope you had a good one! Sorry I missed it yesterday!

to everyone I missed news on. I can't keep up with my own day, much less all you busy hens and roo. Hope everyone enjoys their day! Happy Friday!
Risu: It's poo water.

I decided that doggie had to go yesterday after he rolled in my strawberry bed and sat on 2 of my flowers.
I fed him and called animal control to come get him. They put a choke collar on him and he was fighing it and got it caught on his neck. I told the guy just to walk him over there because he'll follow you anywhere. But no! He had to use that collar. So anyway I was trying to get the collar off before the dog choked to death and the dog BIT me on the arm. He was just scared half to death. I don't think he did it on purpose. So I'm keeping an eye on my arm. I washed it well with antibacterial soap and used a good Bactine spray. The city insisted and said I had to go to the dr.
I asked it they were going to pay for it? They backed off. So I told my hubby and kids to keep and eye on me if I start foaming at the mouth or try to eat the cat and chickens that they may want to get me to the DR. ASAP.

Hopefully they find the puppy a nice home. I hope they don't put him down because he bit me. I'm not a dog person at all but this little guy was so sweet.

Got a bunch more diapers and saddles to make this weekend.
Keeping busy and everyone gives me such great feedback on them!

Take care everyone!!!
Chix so sorry ya got bit
Hope it heals ok and they find Puppy a nice home with a Big Yard.
Sorry I wasn't here when ya stopped by, we got home after 8 pm and thank you so much for the pots and trays
Did ya peek at the plants??? Don't they look Great???

LC HAPPY BIRTHDAY A day late Sorry I missed telling you Yesterday.
But here's your SURPRIZE Party


Hey Girls... big_smile
I have NO new projects going
I have NO new crafts going
I have NO new time lol
However, I have SOOOOO many needing my attention.
Anyone else in this boat? roll

Story of my life lately!!!

Jen, I'm not sure about pricing on stuff. I don't sell mine...don't make enough things to sell, so I'm not sure. Sorry
I hope someone can help

Been having some anxiety issues, why now, after all we went through with our son, I'll never know, but hopefully they'll back off soon.

Em, maybe PTSD? (post traumatic stress disorder) It's very real. I have it from the May 3rd Tornado that came through here in 1999. It was late onset also. It hadn't really started affecting me until the last couple of years. Every time the tornado weather starts up here, I have a deep level of anxiety and not much peace. It's a bummer too b/c I used to enjoy some of the heavy storms that we get around here also.

All this to say, weren't you going through the stuff with your son, around this time sometime last year? Maybe it's just hitting you in a new way now.


Chix stories like that make my blood boil! Maybe because there is a personal connection. When I was a little girl, my family had a Doberman. She was as sweet as could be and we always slept curled up on the couch together

One day the neighbor kid was taunting her and she bit him. He deserved it, he was in her territory and he was deviling her. She didn't attack him, just bite him to get him to leave her alone. She was tolerant for as long as possible. So the neighbor kids parents called the animal control and they came to the house, put her in the noose thing, held her OFF THE GROUND...yes a doberman, and she went limp, then he literally threw her in the back of the truck. Then the animal control officer asked my dad if he wanted to come to the pound to get his dog back. My dad said H*** no, because the next time she sees anyone in a uniform, she will kill them because of you.


I know there are times when it is a necessity to use the loop, but I have seen it done for the wrong reasons, and in absolutely the wrong ways. They don't show that on animal cops on the animal planet
I just feel bad for the puppy. And like I said I'm not a dog person at all, but I don't want any animal mistreated. That is a thing with me that irritates me. Just like my chickens, they are very well taken care of or I wouldn't have them. People say to me...Oh geez...they are just chickens who don't know anything but I know they aren't. They all are personalities and I love them all. That is why I can't eat my chickens.
What in the heck am I going to do with all these chickens when they stop laying.
Build little cushioned rockers for them to sit in.
Hi everybody. Happy belated Birthday LC. Hope it was a good one.

Ris, I have been busy. Tuesday, Flowerpot, Epona4 and I drove down to Columbia, KY to visit with some of the other KY people and pick up some goslings that we had ordered together.

Wednesday and Thursday were busy with Dr. appointments and getting another 10 x 5 x 6 dog kennel from somebody off craigslist, and then putting it together and getting it set up for another run for the chickens. Also went to check out some silkies that a guy was having to sell because the city of Clarksville annexing where he lived at. I wound up coming home with 4 baby silkies and an adult pair of Self-blues. So now my blue splash has a new husband and hopefully the other two babies and the 4 new baby ones will become a nice little flock of silkies.

My brother is hanging in there, thanks for asking.

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