Crochet "Chat"

SunnyDawn -

* I'm working on a babyghan ripple for my cousin due next month... its light blue, light yellow anda light mint green. Then I need to start another one for another cousin due I think in Aug.
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I just don't think the yellow shows up as well as I'd like. Baustin is right though, the colors do look a lot better in person. I think I will do pink, it will look nice so close to the lavender.

Insiderart you could do long term projects too. You just have to look at it differently. I don't even think (much anyway) about the finished project. I just tell myself I'm relaxing by crocheting a bit each night and it doesn't matter if it gets done or not. Then about 3/4 of the way through, when it starts to look like a blanket you get excited to finish it so you can see what it looks like done.

Jen4 post a picture of them so we can see what they look like! I love the ripple blankets. I bet those colors look great next to each other.

Thanks everybody for your comments I appreciate it.
Heres a pic. of the one I'm working on now... for a baby boy


The colors aren't show up right... There are tons of mistakes in it but you cant see most of them and I'm going to do a light blue boarder around it so hopefully you wont be able to tell how bad I messed up on my ends. One day I will make a perfect ripple
Insiderart, you're right. I don't think of anything I do as a long term project. I like to crochet when I watch TV and I just do it to relax and the project just seems to get bigger and bigger all by itself. That's why I like motifs because you are doing a small project at a time and when there are enough I join them together or I join them as a I go. Last year I made 7 afghans for gifts and I knitted DH a sleeveless vest.
I like it, and yes a border will help hide the ends. We can always spot our mistakes but in most cases the average person doesn't see them when it's all together. Keep up the good work.
I don't like the long term projects too. If it takes more than two nights forget it. I just finished a pillowgan that took forever.........

Wow everyone's blankets turned out great! Right now I think the thing I like about crochet is that I can do a quick project and get it completed. Get that satisfaction of a job finished. But maybe next winter I'll be ready for a long winter's project. I love crocheted baby blankets. I think they are so pretty and nice gifts.

I just bought a vintage pattern for a pea coat. It's a little small for DD but I plan to enlarge it and make it this fall. That should be a long project!!
Oh hey that's cool! I like the colors too. I just figured out it all folds up into the "pillow" part. Neat!

I have a cold, I'm not too swift on the uptake these last few days!
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Here is one I have just finished. I haven't figured out how to add multiple pix. I always lose the message. I have another one I'll send in another post.


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