Crochet "Chat"

Best of luck Queen. When it rains it pours I guess.

Congrats on the boy! Great new that every thing looked healthy.

I got my weathervane and spinner today. They are very nice. They guy on ebay makes them. Rebo1 is his user name. I thought they had a great price on them.

Have a great day everyone! I'm going to have to get my house cleaned up a bit.
Purr: Looked at my magazines.
I got my seeds earlier this month already. My seeds are in the pantry waiting to be planted. I get too excited.
Come on spring!!!!! I love gardening.
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Good Luck Queen Scoot. That could go very well for you. Definitely sounds like some legal action will be taking place.
and prayers coming your way.

SE I love the purple afghan, though purple isn't my favorite color in great gobs of it. But that pattern is the best and so snuggly looking.

Other posts are coming in and I won't be able to keep up.

Feel better Purr!
me, Caydence, and a few buckets of pinesol later.. I am happy to announce that I am filthier then the airstream!
Sold more chicks earlier, so we are down to the last 30 or so untill the bator hatches today or tomarrow.
We've paid the deposit on the lot, and they have bought our carport, got one of the little storage sheds sold and moved yesterday. Got the trailor/mover truck booked for the day before we move the rv to move the nursery storage shed.
Got my canning jars boxed up, got the petroom closet cleared out enough to figure out what to do with that mess!
Got a bag of clothes and shoes that C has outgrown, goin to take them to church to give to a lady with a girl a little younger then her.
Got all the extra Easter stuff the girls have accumulated gathered up to take to the church for them to use for the Easter egg hunt. I figure, I have no need for 15 Easter baskets, grass and 10 million plastic eggs... it dun matter that they are really cool looking.. tie dye and peace signs.. lol Dont have the room. Am still trying to figure out where I'm putting size 14 shoes in that rv, they wont fit thru the door!!
Wow, you've been busy! Way to go!! Now, I have a very important question... Will you have internet access at the park? Or are you going to have to go to the library to talk to us? And when is moving day?
As for the shoes, just tie them on top - they'll hold the trailer down when the wind starts blowing!!

OKie! Congrats on the baby boy!

You were posting your good news the same time I was posting my guess as a girl!
Well, you have one little girl in a house full of boys! At least you have a little company in a testosterone filled house!
Little boys are the cutest and sweetest little things. I have 2 girls and 1 adorable boy. I'd LOVE to have one more little boy. If only I hadn't consented to the big V for my DH.
That was a mistake.

Skand! Way to go! You are cookin' right along on getting things ready to go! I'm tired just reading about what your doin' down there!
HAHA Maple!
I will go empty it out

That's okay newchicken, I figured you hadn't read my post yet. I do that ALL the time at the most inopportune times.

...I don't think I have any say in him (or me) getting the big snip or tie. I think he might have himself committed if we have any more.

hi everyone...... well did the counsler thingy today...DD is just hmmmm lets see if i can find the words..... not accepting responsibility for what she does and blames everyone else...yet she doesnt think she needs to be there.
....ugg...well imma go hook in bed havent done that in awhile....
night and love ya all
Scoot, hope your dd sees the light soon for her sake and yours, Hope you get good news on the house as well.

Okie, congrats on the baby boy!!!!

Skand, you are wearing me out just reading about what all you got going on. lol

Tada! Here's my chome home!

^View of livingroom/entrance from kitchen.
vCabinets, fridge and oven


^sink, cookrange
Alyssa's bed (so she says)

Caydence's bed (she even made it today) The tv is on a swivel shelf, and is pulled out so you can see it.

Bathroom, havent cleaned it yet, jim has only wiped it down


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