Crochet "Chat"

How about grabbing the cookie sheet, and using that, you add some pam spray to the bottom.. sparks will fly with the speed you get going!

Dunno how I know this,, not like I'm used to snow of any kind, let alone sledding amout... And the fact that if you google map Odessa, Tx, there are No hills!

Um, I might be shorter to the ground, but don't think the cookie sheet will work. Least the pole on the umberella I can hang on too.
Course what am I talking about, don't think my big bum would fit on either!

Heck Purr, maybe it is the baby bug, that is going around!
Glad your feeling better Purr..just keep the soup down and you will feel better way sooner!
Okay, I have to find something for Mr. Grumpy to eat, he's glaring at me as if I forgot to make coffee... better be moseying along pardners.. adios!
lol no chicks I know what you mean. We have had 70's here the past couple of days and now tonight it will get down to 30 and tomorrow it is only supposed to be 40...with the good ole Oklahoma wind to boot.

Thanks Purr!! I Hope you feel better real soon!!!
Heck Purr, maybe it is the baby bug, that is going around!

No way if I'm pregnant I'm gonna have a talk with Dr Dave, who did my hysterectomy

thanks everyone I feel much better now. I have some diet ginger ale
My uncle just emailed me about my chicks hes getting for me...
He ordered from Ideal but something went wrong and they cant fill the order... its was for Rhode Island red (12 hens & 2 roosters) and Barred Rocks (12 hens). So he said he ordered from another hatchery and he ordered me
Buff Orringtons, which is fine with me cause I'm just getting started and have no idea about one chicken from the next... the really sad news is they will be in a week later than the other order
so that sucks. I have to wait longer!!!

Heres some good news was at Wal-Mart tonight and bought me some more yarn... I'm addicted to that stuff!
Yayy on chickies!!!
I'll tell ya partially why Ideal cant fill your order.. hehehe We just ordered 100 Rhode Island reds, 100 Rhode Island whites, 100 barred rocks, 100 buff orpingtons, 100 black astrolorps and 100 of something else.. lol
but.. not really.. hehehe
OMG Skand!
You bought up all of Jen4's chicks!
You can be like James & The Giant Peach in that Airstream. Once your 10,000 chicks are feathered out, tie em' all to the Airstream and just fly away!
I can just see it now....
You guys are funny!

Risurocket congratulations on the pregnancy!

No chicks are here I know the feeling about this flip flop weather. Lucky we only got about 5 inches here. Its real cold today though. Maybe 10*. No wonder I am not getting many eggs. Gets expensive when the chickens cant range for 9 months outa the year. Then when it gets reall cold they eat twice as much. I had to go get some morw cracked corn last night for the next cold wave. I think I am getting rid of a lot of them and just keeping my favorites.

My son and his girlfriend are on a snowboarding vacation down south a couple hours away. Lucky for them it just snowed.

Well I hope all you gals that have been sick are getting to feeling a bit better now.
I guess this flu virus is running late this year. Hopefully it will be all gone soon.
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Congrats on the baby Risu!

Still no snow here!

I was crocheting off an on all day yesterday and wasn't on here and it looks like I missed a big party.
What a bunch of yappers!
I have been laughing my butt off.

All my babies are so grown up! Mine will be 5 months old soon. I want babies but I have no room for them. I know chick days at Orscheln will be torture for me.
I love fuzzy butts.

I was also wondering do Cochins lay early because my girls are huge and their combs are starting to turn red already! They are the most beautiful chickens. But my Sicilian Buttercups are my sweeties.
They love to cuddle.

Have a great day everyone!

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