Crochet "Chat"

well gals I've did as much catching up as I could, I am really sleepy but wanted to try to stay caught up, well gals I am glad everyone is doing well. preggies hang in there, it will all be over soon and you have some of the cuties naked chickies in the world!
well I am off I am crashen lotas love and have a great night. Maw.
sewincircle wrote:

Fellow hookers...I am done with school!!! woooohoooo!

Congrats! smile

how did I miss this post??

congratulations sewin!!

It's ok Algo!! I totally know you weren't calling me tacky!! It just sounded funny to me hence all of the lol faces!!! I should have added some
and made it clear that my statement was meant jokingly I'm sorry!

frou frou is like girly girly, or foo foo...know what I mean lol I'm not sure how to describe it well. Stuff like baby showers and wedding showers and pink and bows and ribbons and things :p


It's funny, cause I like those things, but not too much of it, cause I'm a bit of a tomboy too. I think it's a well balanced mix

Scoot, that sounds like a very sweet idea to make your pal an afghan! Hope you find a pattern that you like. The other day I got behind an suv that had a sticker in the window with that pink ribbon and it said "Save the TaTas!!" I thought that was soooo cute!!! A bit of humor in a bleak situation, so help her save her tatas and make her something cheerful!!

I saw Ghost Whisperer the other night and she was having a baby shower so it must be the season, lol!! Have fun Okie !!

Have a great day ya'll...gotta run
Morning everyone.... please send me food vibes or something....I am soo hungry already and I can't eat until noon. (that's 6 hours away)
I am not sure if I will make it this time and will have to try again tomorrow. I find this whole test particularly torturous and silly, actually, but I won't get into prayers, please...this time around is much harder than last time. I think the little squirrel is going through a growth spurt and would like nothing better than for me to just sit and eat all day. *sigh*

Right now I am just trying to gauge if I can make it to the test while driving myself... kind of hard to concentrate when you're starving. But I really don't want to go through this again tomorrow, you know? Especially since I have a doc appt today anyway.

I'll post again when I get home, just to let you know I made it home ok.

hang in there Rocket you can do it!!!!
thanks for the links...thinking about useing the last one but still looking around.
seems like with something so important as breast cancer thered be alot of the pattern out. oh well gotta go get me some caffine.
have a great day y'all
Hi everyone!

I got all my crochet hexagons done and then never sent them. Things have been hectic. I have been sick and now I am moving. My new neighbors from my old house declared war on me and called the police every other day for nonsensicle reasons. Anyway, at least I finally have a place to live now and I can take my dog and my chickens. I have to find a home for my cat. Darn! Awe well, at least I got a place to live.

My inernet is gone and my computer is down. I have been thinking of everybody off and on. Just dont have much time (or chances) to check in. One of these days I will try to catch up on you gals (and guys) lives again. I miss ya all.

I am having a bigg Thrift sale in the next couple of weeks to raise money for the move. Mostly I stay away from my (old) home, I do sleep there though.

Just wanted top let ya all know what I was up to.

Take Care,

I sold a ton of chickens already too.
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Oh tiki that awful , noone should have to move because of naighbors, but I am glad that you found a new place to live.

well I am going to be looking up ideas for redoing the girls room so I have to find a bunk bed and a few other things so I will be in and out all day.

well I just let the month old chicks out to play in the yard, and the moma and goslings, so I have to keep my eye on the dogs, they like to watch the chicks and I never know weather they are thinking looks so cute or look an prelunch appatizer.
well of I go check in later.

oh I don't remember who it was who finished school but way to go gal, you've accomplished something alot of folks have't so congrats and we are all proud of you.

ris please take care I know you can do it. Later folks Maw.
oh ris, I feel your pain!! It's so hard to not eat when you're starving!!

I woke up this morning and my blood sugar was 167, and then an hour after I ate breakfast it was 218!!!

I was starving half to death and wanted so bad to eat something, but waited several hours to eat so that my blood sugar didn't skyrocket even higher. At least I guess that's how that works
I hope you make it through your test! You can do it!!!

Tiki, I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbor situation!!! That's awful!!
I hope that you can get completely away from them soon, and are able to get some peace!
I survived! Now I am stuffing my face with a bunch of food I shouldn't eat, but I can survive that better than being hungry.

Yikes! Okie! Careful Girl! I found out mine was pretty high from my 1 hour test (which is why I had to go through the grueling 3 hour fasting test today) and so it's got me kind of nervous.
Once I get my results back, which will be awhile, since they appear to be slow there...I can get back into the swing of things with you and help you keep yours down. I was able to keep mine at around 90 most of the time, or something like that (I can't remember the "good" numbers right now) with just diet control, so I'll help you out. Mine never got over 200...
I hope we can get those numbers down for you.

I know you had been wanting to move, but my goodness what horrid neighbors. I wish I could take your kitty. Mine would eat it alive though.
They do *not* like other cats.
Hang in there. Glad you can take your chickens and dog at least.
Hi Tiki!! Wondering about you. Thanks for checking in. Maybe you can live happily ever after with your pets! Good. Mean people

Just came in to lay kids down for naps. They should nap well. I wore them out. I need a break too.

This is crazy but I have been having people contact me wanting me to make booties for their chickens. They want them for showing. After their baths they don't want them stepping in poo I guess.
So this is what I did for them. Mabel was a great model. Don't you think? She cracks me up.



Crochet laces what a nice touch.

I have finally earned my nickname of being the crazy chicken lady this time.

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