Crochet "Chat"

Jen have you ever considered blowing some of your first eggs? That way you could keep them for years. If you still have them that is. I did that with my first chickens and had them for 5 years till we moved here and they got broken but it was still cool to have them. Now whenever I get an egg that is unusually pretty or unique for whatever reason I blow it and put it in a glass bowl that I keep in my kitchen for decoration. People always come in and ask me why I don't put them in the fridge cuz they think they are the ones I collected that day! lol
I'll have to try that with some... dont have any of the 1st ones... but I did put the 1st 2 shells back together after I used them and washed em out, I've got them laying on a shelf in the kitchen
Purple - Now you know whoever has your name can't tell you...

Well, my gals aren't old enough to lay yet so I stopped in the next town over and bought a doz fresh eggs. The whole time I was cooking them (yep all 12) I thought about you Jen and hoped I wouldn't be allergic...
Got them on the stove and noticed that they smell different than store eggs. I did however mix them with milk as I do my store eggs. Not one egg was left. They are soooo much better than store eggs. I can't wait for my girls to start laying!!
I got my SS this morning. What fun!!!!!!! Now to think up what the gift/gifts should be.

I mentioned before that I like things antiquey/country but I thought it might be easier on whoever got me as their SS to add more. I love the color blue but love earthy colors also. I read a lot, crochet a lot and quilt a lot. I also garden and love seeds to plant but like a lot of you I don't care for the gothic, goulish stuff. Hope this helps who has my name. I'm also almost 70.
Look what I found today!!

High top booties! My nephew, who was a basketball 'star' (to us, he was good) anyway, he and his wife are having their first, and it's a girl!!
I thought these would be cute in pink and white...the shower is in Oct!! So...I've gotta get busy!
I got a dr. appointment at 12:45 tomorrow... so see what they can tell me, and I havent eaten an egg since Friday and the girls gave us 12 today. We've got 2 1/2 dozen in the fridge right now.....

tnlorprazer - its sooo exciting when they start laying!

Parson's Wife - Those booties are too cute!

QS -
I really want to learn how to make that kind of stuff one day...
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tnlorprazer -
Jen - Could it not be the eggs you are allergic to but something you are feeding your girls??

I'm going to ask the Dr. about that today....

No Chicks Here - Thanks​
Good Morning all, sorry I haven't dropped in in awhile, I have been busy and sick and busy and sick, its seems like a never ending cycle.

but all is well, my youngest went off to school this year so I am now alone in the house from 7 am to 4 pm. Its kinda nice as I can now spend the time on fixing up the house the way I want it and not having to worry about kids runnin round tearing things up. So far I have repainted the kids room, in a pastel green and with pink curtins and we are going to put wall clings polka dots and flowers all over the walls and we are trying to find them a set of bunk beds. and they have really pretty bedspreads to match, then I am going to paint my room, I have fixed up my guest bath and am going to completely redo my kitchen floors and all. so thats what going on I will try to stop in once a day to keep caught up. well talk to ya'll later . Maw.
I have been washing, blanching, and slicing okra all morning and decided I needed a break. Thought I would see what everyone else was up to while I was at it. Looks like everyone else is busy too or at work.

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