Crop Impaction and trying to give olive oil

Are you still offering her her regular layer food as well? If the impaction has passed and she's mostly getting olive oil, she'll need more nutrition than that. You can always try a warm mash of her layer crumbles to see if she'll eat that but she may be getting too weak to eat on her own. Have you tried the oral liquid vitamins directly along her beak a few times daily? Also has she been getting enough calcium?
How old is she? Was this her first egg?
Sorry for so many questions, but maybe someone will have more answers/help for you after seeing your update on her condition.
Ooh, thanks. I hope my answers will give insight. Both my hens turned 2 last February so they've been laying for awhile now. I had to change their feed because the store was out of Layena a couple weeks back and I had to get scratch grains. (grr!) My Barred Rock is doing just fine, but I did expect egg production to slow or stop because of it. Friday I was reading up on the egg bound condition and suspected the feed, but have to wait til Monday now to try again for Layena. I have oyster shell I bought at the same time as the scratch grains to try and help them, so for the isolated hen I have been putting a little bit now in her food and water bowl as well. I've done the beak trick you mentioned also. She's had vitamins diluted in her water and I've made sure that she's drinking it.
I've been offering her scratch to see her disposition daily. She doesn't want the scratch grains and also refuses lettuce too. (They will usually tackle me for that!) I also give them the seed that the dove doesn't eat, but she has only shown passive interest in it.
Yes, I gave the last olive oil dose Friday (I think) when her crop felt completely reduced just to be sure. Also because I read olive oil and the calcium were helpful in the oviducts. I'm now more concerned with getting her weight and energy back up so I'm offering her as many solids as she'll eat. She's been offered scrambled egg most of this week already. Saturday she was actually a little perked up, but I still made up a mash recipe that has helped my dove in the past. It's hard boiled egg, milk, and corn meal mixed up to a pasty/crumbly texture. She's been eating it with vigor and I believe we're on the up side of recovery as of today. Thank God!

Her poop contains more solids now, though still too green for me to want to put her back out yet. Her comb, eyes, and tail are still a bit droopy, but she has been standing and moving much more. My plan for tomorrow is to get the layer feed again and see how she does with it before putting her back outside.
Thanks everyone! Insight always welcome!
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