Crop issues, Doodle and Smudge broke into mealworms!


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Hello everyone, some of my may be familiar with my two pet Cornish X Doodle and Smudge. They're doign great so far, and Doodles weight is awesome! Smudge is on the heavy side lol, but doing well. :D
Last night I let them out alone so they wouldn't have the chance to eat any other birds feed. I was watching them, but went inside to feed the dogs. When I came out, I found both birds with their heads buried in a bag of Mealworms. :barnieI don't even know how they go into it! I know they like to explore the garage were we keep the feed, but I've been keeping everything rolled and sealed since they found out how to get into the feed bags when I was letting them free rage. They must have found a corner of the bag that wasn't sealed all the way and opened it up, I really don't know. I wouldn't' be surprised though, its incredible how smart they are when it comes to food.
Either way, I didn't feed them dinner, and their ration today is being cut back. I was concerned about them getting fat, but now I've found that they haven't digested all of the mealworms over night, there crops are still some what full. They're locked up were they can't eat anything else, but how do I help them pass the mealworms? I'm so guilty or allowing them to get into the garage, I should have been watching them or better hid the bag so they didn't get into it. :he
I've heard that oil can help them pass it correct? Is there a dosage, or should I just eye ball it? Massaging helps as well I've heard. Any other suggestions? Once I get it to pass I'm making them run laps around the yard with me lol, to burn some of that fat. They'll follow me anywhere if I shake a bag of food.
Thanks for your help, I definitely won't let this happen again. :barnie
I had a hen that was a foodie and she also was very good at getting up to the higher shelves where I kept the treats. What was even more of a problem, she figured out how to knock the container off the shelf so it would break open when it hit the ground. Parteeeeee! The entire flock then became complicit. Hoodlums.

You want to use coconut oil, a teaspoon to begin with, and massage. Follow up with another teaspoon if the contents are slow to break up, and do more massage until you feel things break up and go down. You can pretty much clear a crop this way. You won't overdose the oil. Excess will just poop out.
I had a hen that was a foodie and she also was very good at getting up to the higher shelves where I kept the treats. What was even more of a problem, she figured out how to knock the container off the shelf so it would break open when it hit the ground. Parteeeeee! The entire flock then became complicit. Hoodlums.
Oh my goodness! Thats amazing lol! Its really amazing how smart they are!
I've had these guys jumping into the garbage cans or feed barrels I keep the feed in while I'm filling up feed! Its incredible!
I used to roll up the bags and place fire wood on top, and Smudge figured out how to knock off the firewood, and wiggle her beak into the bag to unroll it. I'de find her inside the feed bag eating the 22% protein the we were feeding the flock we culled. 🤦‍♀️ Darn birds lol!
You want to use coconut oil, a teaspoon to begin with, and massage. Follow up with another teaspoon if the contents are slow to break up, and do more massage until you feel things break up and go down. You can pretty much clear a crop this way. You won't overdose the oil. Excess will just poop out.
Awesome, thank you! I'm also very happy to report that I did a quick massage without oil, and it seems their crops are finally emptying slowly but surly. I'll give oil as well to help the process a little faster. We use coconut oil a lot around here, so I have a teaspoon to spare. Thanks for the tips, this is great info for the future as well.

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