Crop Surgery Performed - More pics & How To Steps posted - Pg 10

Sorry to hear about your bird.

If you get sour crop/ impacted crop in a fowl again try Crop Bound Capsules, you get 25 capsules for $4.95 and heard they work very well.

Also follow the Crop Bound Capsules with a dose of tetracycline, just be sure the crop has unbound and ease the bird back into feed, you will want to provide some yogurt or probiotic as the tetracycline will clean out the good with the bad bacteria.

I have spent a great deal of time reading the great posts and had a thought about the amount of grit these bird are ingesting to help with their digestion and ability to grind up food in the crop. any thought on this?
I'm really amazed at what you've done for your chicken and I hope you'll keep us posted. I had the same problems with one of the 2month old Barred-Rock hens that I got from a friends farm. Her crop was impacted but I was able to massage her crop and feed her olive oil which worked wonders and she turned out fine. Where did you learn to do this? I'd like to know in case it happens again with my chicken. Thanks :)
I realise the thread is old but I wanted to bump it. Was also curious what measures were taken before surgery?

I had a hen with an impacted crop. We came home one day to one of my hens making this lower pitched noise (not sure what to call it maybe crooning? a distress call) I immediately told Turtle (nick for boyfriend) that it sounded as if one of the hens was dying in there. I went out to feed and water after settling our stuff in the house and our favorite hen Peggy was just standing in one spot making this pitiful noise and had a gurgling noise as well. I immediately took her out and put her in the pet carrier bringing her inside. I started with just basically forcing her to drink fluids. At first I had to gently pull on her waddles to make her open up and I would use a small syringe to squirt just a little in and then she would swallow it. First night me and my daughter took turns sitting with her and giving her water every ten to twenty minutesm when she was in the cage she would just lay on the area above the heating pad which was on low.. It wasn't until the next day when we gave her bath (we suspected egg bound to be honest) that my daughter realised her crop was protruding huge! So we gave her some olive oil and just kept putting more water down her and lightly rubbing her crop, Again if she wasn't in our hands being given fluids she was laying on the heating pad. We had her normal food in the pen but she wouldn't touch it. On the third day my daughter wet her food down and put just a small amount in Peggy's mouth. Peggy ate a little bit but actually went in the carrier on her own and laid down on the heating pad. That night we both went to bed and when we woke up Peggy had eating the whole bowl of wet food. When I tried to force her to drink she actually pecked at me. Which is very unsual as Peggy never pecks at us. It was more of a hey i will drink when I want peck. So we moistened some more food massaged her crop and let her go back in the cage...two hours later I went to check on her and she had pooped her cage full I swear. and she was back to her old self and wanted out of the cage.

Sadly when I went to put her back in I found out what the gurgling noise was... The others heads were so swollen and pitiful and their eyes were swollen shut and gurgling. We being new had no clue what was wrong, just went and got some doxycycline and gave them. It cleared all of them cept for one who I ended up giving penicillian shots too. They all survived! Now I am just researching and preparing myself for possible future problems.

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