Crops bigger after eating?


9 Years
Mar 5, 2011
NorthEast PA
Since I'm a newbie.... Is it normal after eating for my chicks' crops to seem a little bigger??? Also concerned about them eating the pine shaving... Any alternatives to pine shavings?? Thanks!

Yep, totally normal for their crops to be bigger after eating. It takes a bit of time for the food to pass through the crop. As long as your chicks know where the food is and are eating normal chick food well, I wouldn't worry too much about them eating a bit of pine shavings. My adult flock considers styrofoam to be haute cuisine and they are healthy and thriving.
Yes, think of it like if you were to gorge yourself on a meal how you feel stuffed and after a while it goes down! Also, if they are just a few days put them on a paper towel on top of the shavings when yo are certain they all know where the feeder is you can remove it.... if they are a a little older already they shold manage alright on some straw or I have seen some pellets althogh I haven't used them an have no idea where to get them. Keep in mind though that they will naturally pick through the shavings but it doesn't necessarily mean they are eating them, or at least not in mass quantities.
Oh thank God! I was a nervous wreck. I have 6 chicks that are 5 days old. For the first few days I used peanut shells over paper towl and then switched to pine shaving a few days ago. They do know where their food and water is. I do see them scratching through the shavings and I know that it's natural but afraid they might be eating some. I also gave them some crushed corn, oats, and wheat from the feed store and sprinkled some grit on top. They went crazy for it! However, I bought the parakeet grit and it contains oyster shell so I only used that once. Thanks for the imput!!!!
Oh dear, I don't think I would be giving them the oats etc... just yet. They are still so young. I am no expert, so hopefully someone with more experience can chime in on the reasons why. For sure if you are giving them anything besides their starter food (except for egg yolk or oatmeal, anything that they may need "teeth" for) they need grit. They make a grit called "chick grit" or I have also heard other folks say sand. available to them at all times if you are feeding them other things. Also helps if they are eating any wood chips.

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