Cross Breeds!!!!


These guys are Silkie x Cochin/Barred Rock. They were the only chicks to hatch out of a late year clutch back in October. Both are bearded, crested, and have five toes. I just sold the pullet, but I still have the cockerel... might hold onto him a little longer to see how he finishes feathering out.

This is their mother:

She's a cute little red Bantam Cochin/Barred Rock cross. Their dad is full Silkie... I'm just not quite sure which one lol! I had three at the time: one smutty buff, one blue splash, and one blue birchen-ish.

Anyway, I love to watch the little 'surprises' as they grow! I just hatched some that are Silkie x Salmon Fav and Frizzle Silkie/Cochin x Salmon Fav! Can't wait to see what happens with them!
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My new silver laced Wyandotte cross. So adorable!
what color of legs and type of comb do they have?
I'm not Draye, but two years ago I did the same breeding in reverse. The mothers were the Jersey Giants, and the resulting progeny had dark legs and single straight combs. Some were smaller than others. They are beautiful birds and lay large mostly pinkish eggs. Then last year I was on to the next generation and this year hope to add a few more. They're wonderful additions to my flock.
A straight combed dark legged son of this first breeding bred to EE's gave me pea combed EE's who are excellent layers of green and blue eggs .This year I want to hatch some of those eggs.

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