crowing all night!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 2, 2011
Snohomish, WA
I have only had a couple roosters my whole time having chickens. This rooster is fabulous, absolutely love him, but he crows in the middle of the night. He will begin around 2AM, it is not light, there is no sun, only moonlight and he will crow until, well I guess he never really stops. During the day its very infrequent, doesn't crow at all after noon or evening but at 2AM every night, its every 60 seconds.

Whats up?

I had a rooster that did that also.... he finally got older and started crowing early morning 6am and late afternoon.
Are there animals about? My roos will crow from up on their roosts when I take the dogs out to go potty. i think he hears me and wants to let me know he know's I'm there and is ready to defend his turf- even tho I know he can't see a darn thing
There may be animals, but I think it would be a little too regular if they came ever night at that time and didn't leave until morning. I never see anything out at that time, and I sure don't hear nothing but him.
my LF roosters I used to have would crow in the middle of the night. I have only 3 silkie roos now, and they do not crow until the sun starts lightening the sky up a little.

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