Crowing Hen! Help!


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2017
South Australia
My Pekin bantam girl crows!!
I live in a suburban area so am worried she'll annoy the neighbours. Any advice on stopping a crowing hen? I have only got 2 girls, both Pekin bantams about 1yr old.
Thanks in advance!
I have two crowing hens. One is six years old, and the other is around three. The younger one sounds very like a young cockerel crowing. The older one is much louder and sounds like she's yodeling in the Alps. And the flock has a perfectly good rooster, so they aren't crowing because there isn't a rooster around.

The thing is, these hens practice their crowing very sparingly. They aren't hammering out loud notes all day long. Two or three times in the morning usually satisfies their urges, and they're quiet the rest of the day.

You could get ahead of the neighborhood PR by letting the word out you have a very "rare crowing hen", and as is usually the case with people when you prime their thinking, they will look at it as a wonderful novelty rather than an annoyance to be outraged about.
Really the only way to stop a hen from crowing is to bring in another hen that will become the top dog, because it is usually those hens that crow
This is not likely .....a new bird would be lowest in pecking order, and introducing a single bird is difficult.

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