Cry babies. What to do?

she's got her big duck voice so it's easier to handle lol. she is still a big fit thrower however. thank you all for helping me keep a handle on myself. she thanks you as well lol
I am at the end is my rope here. For the past two weeks I have been up every two hours. It is the water. She plays in it until there is nothing left then will not stop screaming until she has more. I got Cayuga because they weren't very loud, I can here her across the home. I'm going crazy. Does anyone have any ideas because at this rate I'm going to end up eating her before long just to get some sleep.
I know this is an old post but wanted to share my experience in case others find themselves with a duckling who won’t settle
I hatched out 4 from my incubator. They were a staggered hatch one born seconds after it turned dec 24 who needed assistance two born hours apart the evening of dec 25 who hatched on their own and one who needed assistance born dec 28. We had spent a lot of time with baby 1 as it was on its own a few days before the other two got to the incubator
Baby 4 got lots of attention as well. I had thought the two dec 25 would imprint on each other. But that’s not the case at all. They have all imprinted on me. I spend a lot of time caring for them. Pen , water and feed dishes cleaned every 2-3 hours as it’s in my home. Each time I sit in their with them. They love to climb on my lap for cuddles and pets. They get their bath at night and are now finally sleeping 6 hours at night at 3 weeks old. Each time I leave them they all cry for 5 mins then settle. I had somebody want to buy 2 of them but I couldn’t sell them as I’m also attached and worried they would not get the same routine we have here and may be upset. That brings me to your frustration. It’s very possible this baby had imprinted on a different sibling then you took ,the mom duck or the human it was with. If this was the case this baby would be upset and cry missing it’s imprint. These babies depend on us care givers to be patient and help them to the next day. I spent the first 3 weeks being woke up every few hours to little ones crying
Was like having newborn babies all over again.
I have one that was more set back and wouldn’t sit on me until last week now she runs over for her cuddle time. This was me being consistent and patient with her.
Ducklings are a lot of work always make sure you are ready for sleepless nights and plenty of patients :)
Glad to see as I read on you found ways to help her settle and she didn’t find herself on your dinner table. Not going to lie I almost fell over reading that 😆
When I got my 2 Pekin girls last summer they didn’t really want much to do with us. They hardly cried and stuck together like glue
I believe they had imprinted on each other as they were like this till we lost one to eating a penny that caused zinc poisoning a few months back.
Took my other girl a bit to settle after her sister was gone. She is now very attached to my drake but it did take some time.
@Miss Lydia
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