Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

nice pics everyone!!!! just found this thread
i seriously dout it but is any one here going to national western stock show in denver. just wondering if any one elses cubalayas will be there for me to compare mine to.
This is Kentucky, one day it is 60 F, the next night down to 18. I liked the juxtaposition of ice on the trees and the grass. We are on a mountain at the edge of the Bluegrass region, and are often scraping the inside of the clouds for snow and ice even when there's nothing on the radar. This ice only stuck to things about 3-4 feet above the ground that morning.

Much more inutritious than the remaining grass is the birds' ability to find salamanders and grubs deep under the rocks. I'm just never fast enough with the camera to catch that action.
Spares are a good thing. I feel very blessed to have acquired so many starting off. I hope to get some good offspring from them this year.

I have a question, to which I believe I know the answer, but I always like to double check. How long will a female stay fertile from a single breeding? To put it another way, how long does it take for a hen to to be clean of one rooster. I have heard six weeks, is this correct.

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