Cubalaya Thread For Sharing Pics and Discussing Our Birds

I agree with Saladin, BB reds can be sexed very early. I'll post some pics for you.









Basically, the boys are darker. The older they get, the easier it gets to tell. If the chick is 12 weeks, the male will have a black breast, the female will have a tan breast.
Thanks for the help, but it's no longer relevant. This morning, about an hour after letting the flock out (less than an hour ago) I went out to see what the dog was barking at. I found nothing of concern until, on my way back to the house, I spotted my little Cubalaya laying on the ground twitching. The little one was limp, with an occasional twitch and convulsion for about a minute, until it died in my hands. There were no visible wounds, and the rest of the flock was on the other side of the house, calmly foraging in the yard. I'm completely baffled, and afraid of this silent, invisible killer threatening my birds. This was my only Cubalaya, the only one to hatch from a half dozen eggs that were placed under my Sumatra hen along with a half dozen Phoenix eggs (three of the Phoenix hatched and appear healthy). This is my first casualty, and now I'm worried about the rest of my birds. I don't suppose I'll ever know exactly what happened... just hope it doesn't happen again.
Thanks, I plan to... Maybe I'll try some more hatching eggs next spring... my little one definitly had the most unique personality of any chicken I've ever known. Even though he/she only lived twelve short weeks, she/he was a great ambassador for the breed and I can't wait to get more.
Saturday night neighboring dogs decimated my rooster population (13 out of 16 gone). Now I am in urgent need of a new rooster for my BBR hens. Anybody in the area (AZ west) have a rooster they can part with? Anybody willing to mail me some eggs?
Already made a materials list to better dog-proof (and coyote-proof) the coop. All the hens were in a very sturdy structure and are ok.
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If you show birds, and come to any shows in California, we usually have males until april. there are a shows in Victorville, Paso Robles, and in April there will be the APA Semi Annual in Ventura. these are most of the southern cali shows that we go to. we dont show east of us (excepting Indy) but do show in Washington. if your willing to wait till one of the above if your attending, please let me know.

Zach in Central California
I hope this was not already Q&A (44 pages of thread!) but are there bantam Cubalayas?? I just got a banty rooster with the exact gold neck only. I would love to post a pic, will do soon. I think i need 10 posts or something......Thanks for any answers
Thanks, Zach!
I have never gone to California to a show. That is quite a drive from here. I know Cubalayas are not exactly common in AZ (I hope to contribute a little to make that better).
Still hoping somebody is willing to ship some eggs...

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