Cuckoo marans

I had 3 cuckoo Marans, only one survived a dog attach. She's pretty chewed up but on her way to recovering. I have 6 new pullets now. My Marans have always been very eccentric compared to other breeds and one of my favorites. This is wheezy who survived the attach.


I have 2 Cuckoo Marans chicks that are 7 weeks old - can anyone tell from my photos if they are pullets or not? They both look exactly the same...

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They are growing more and I think I noticed a difference starting to happen. One chick is darker than the other two, and its tail feathers are not as pronounced. They all have the waddle and crown, but the one that is different is not the same color as the other two. I know it could be just wishful thinking that maybe I got one pullet. Any thoughts?? I have read that the cockerels are more showy with brighter plumage and larger overall than the pullets. [/quote How old are your chickens here? I have some morans that I am trying to figure out what sex they are. Thanks!
I have 2 hen cuckoo marans, and they are the flightiest chickens I've ever seen. Though they are not afraid to come up to me when I am walking in the run, they scream bloody murder every time I pick them up. I got them at about 1 week old, and tried to condition them to being held a little, but they never took to it, and they definitely prefer to be left to their own devices.
They are growing more and I think I noticed a difference starting to happen. One chick is darker than the other two, and its tail feathers are not as pronounced. They all have the waddle and crown, but the one that is different is not the same color as the other two. I know it could be just wishful thinking that maybe I got one pullet. Any thoughts?? I have read that the cockerels are more showy with brighter plumage and larger overall than the pullets.
look like barred rocks this might explain a random chocolate egg I got

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