Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

Don't hide under a chair. I don't cuddle any of my chickens and never have. They come to me because I have food and I enjoy sitting outside with them too.

That sneak attack bit is what made many of my decisions about roosters. Be careful!
I really don't want to cull Mad. If I find a home for him, I know he'll end up in the soup pot. I want to try to give him the first year of his life to straighten out. Now that he is separated, I intend to spend some time in his run sitting with him, not necessarily holding him, but just giving him a chance to make peace with me.

I'm really thankful for Pippi. He is such a great cockerel. I have never had to "deal" with him at all.
We cuddle the chickens but I've never seen this as a normal activity, LOL! We are definitely the weird ones but most of our chickens welcome it and will actually hop into out lap while we're outside. I even had one that would fly up to my shoulder while I was walking around and doing chicken chores. Caught me off guard more than once. lol :lol:
I really don't want to cull Mad. If I find a home for him, I know he'll end up in the soup pot. I want to try to give him the first year of his life to straighten out. Now that he is separated, I intend to spend some time in his run sitting with him, not necessarily holding him, but just giving him a chance to make peace with me.

I'm really thankful for Pippi. He is such a great cockerel. I have never had to "deal" with him at all.
I completely understand. Killing an animal isn't fun. I had too many boys so decisions had to be made and around here if I rehomed they'd go in someone's soup pot so it might as well be mine. There were some boys who were great with the girls and beautiful, but just too iffy around humans. I didn't have a need for 2 boys or a desire at the time so my options were open to pick the one I thought would be best. I get a tender heart and tend to try to keep 2 but that hasn't worked out so far. Think I'm going to give up on that. Jr mates with as many as he can and there are 11 girls!
I completely understand. Killing an animal isn't fun. I had too many boys so decisions had to be made and around here if I rehomed they'd go in someone's soup pot so it might as well be mine. There were some boys who were great with the girls and beautiful, but just too iffy around humans. I didn't have a need for 2 boys or a desire at the time so my options were open to pick the one I thought would be best. I get a tender heart and tend to try to keep 2 but that hasn't worked out so far. Think I'm going to give up on that. Jr mates with as many as he can and there are 11 girls!
My situation is exactly like that. I have the two cockerels and only 10 hens. They have each had 5 for the last month or so, but now Pippi has all the girls and Mad is on his own. There is no one in my neck of the woods who would want a rooster for anything other than the soup pot. And quite frankly, I haven't liked the ones I put in my soup pot. The broth is good, I suppose, but I just have a hard time eating something I have raised. Wish I could get over that, but I've tried a couple times.

Mad is so good with the girls. Both cockerels are. But, unless he mellows out, I will not be able to leave home for a trip. I can't trust him to be nice to a neighbor.
My situation is exactly like that. I have the two cockerels and only 10 hens. They have each had 5 for the last month or so, but now Pippi has all the girls and Mad is on his own. There is no one in my neck of the woods who would want a rooster for anything other than the soup pot. And quite frankly, I haven't liked the ones I put in my soup pot. The broth is good, I suppose, but I just have a hard time eating something I have raised. Wish I could get over that, but I've tried a couple times.

Mad is so good with the girls. Both cockerels are. But, unless he mellows out, I will not be able to leave home for a trip. I can't trust him to be nice to a neighbor.
True! My oldest GS usually takes care of my flock if I leave. Need him to be safe.

As for getting over eating something you've took me a few times to get used to that. Like probably 4 or 5 before I could eat more than a few bites at each meal. I still don't eat a lot at once, but I make sure the whole bird gets used.
But i'm not crazy or anything like it. You won't see me out picketing KFC restraunts :lau :rant
I like KFC. Really I'd like to raise my own meat chickens. It really is just wrong to have this aversion to eating what I raise. In the beginning that's why I chose dual purpose chickens. Then the dual purpose was, they entertain me greatly, and they give me eggs, in that order of priority. :lau

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